Adding the detail is always an interesting challenge when working at this tiny scale (the piece is about 10" X 10") to get everything to "read" right, when objects can't be rendered in their exact size?
But I guess that's why they call it "Folk Art"!

I'm not quite sure about that fence....I like the perspective it gives, but it seems kind of spindly compared to the thick leaves on the trees.
I might have to tear it out...which is much easier in stitches than for real!
I love the fence. You're right, it's so thin, but it does add another dimension. :)
I like the fence and the wispiness of it. I have seen many old country fences out where I live (near farms and fields) and they do look exactly like that.
I think you might like the fence a bit better if it was a little ways off behind the trees. I think then you might be happier with the scale.
Charming ... the whole piece and the fence. Isn't there a way to increase the impact/scale of the fence? I'd like to see it stay.
I like the fence too!
Very cute piece...
I like the fence also, but I think if you made the fence a little taller, it might fit in better.
Oh Allie! it is soooo pretty! You are right about the fence though, it looks like it must be for tripping people, or maybe it's just to keep the gnomes out.The first few posts should probably be a bit bigger if you want the perspective to be right. It's still really pretty though. You could leave it as is, & call it Folk Art. There's nothing wrong with that!
Hi Allie,
I, too, like the fence but agree with Walden that it needs to be taller. Can you do that without ripping? Whatever you decide, this is going to be a fun piece!
Well, since you brought it up, I, too, like the fence but maybe make it bigger OR move it back behind the trees a ways. :0)
I would leave the fence as it is. It has an almost organic feeling as if it is becoming part of the environment itself, as old country fences often do.....
If you cant live it, what about moving it behind the trees, but don't remove it altogether...... It is great....
How about if you used heavier thread for the fence? But you must have thought about that...
You need the mind exercise that the fence offers you! *wink*
Very Nice! I love the trees, the felt landscape - very pretty!
I was thinking maybe the fence might work better farther away, behind the trees. I like the perspective, too, but I think, scale-wise, right next to the trees, it looks perhaps a little too small?
But I like the fence, and I think you should keep it in there - the perspective is great, and the fence itself is perfectly constructed!
Thanks, Allie, for yet another inspiring and fun project to watch!!
Woops. I should read all the comments before I comment!! I see you got plenty of fence advice! (Sorry!)
O, please leave the fence. Its so quaint, just like an old fence would be as you are enjoying a country drive. I don't do this type of work, but the fence adds to the piece and a bigger fence would give the piece a totally different feel.
Holy smokes!! There's a lot of comments here about your fence so I'll comment on ripping --
I vote for never ripping unless absolutely necessary -- never saying never and not being fenced in by anything ever...
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