While at her house I saw the coolest idea for displaying a quilt (one of my quilts, yes; she has a number of them). I'll bet few of you have ever thought of this...I sure hadn't!

Mary's husband is a chemist, and he nonchalantly explained, "Some of the molecules in some of the dyes fluoresce..." This is how the quilt looks when the room is darkened with a black light shining on it!
From what I could tell, it was mostly the hand-dyeds that glowed...those skies were done with Procion dyes. But the inner border is a cotton lame, and that glows too.
The possiblities are endless, aren't they?
I have been stitching up a storm for CQMagOnline...have had a few big plot twists in my own life (must not discuss these at present...but they are good ones!)....and got some flowers done for my Spring CQ too, which will go in my next post this morning.
It's so good to be back!
That is so freakin' cool!! Oh, man, the possibilites boggle the mind. Yay for those good plot twists! Welcome back.
Neat - that's a lot of design possibilities to think about.
Good to have you back. The quilt looks incredible displayed like that!
That is so darned cool!!
The poppies were worth waiting for - it's about time, tho' - I watched and waited all day yesterday. Good to have you back.
Now, will she leave a small black lite there to turn on in the evening?
Very, very cool!
Allie, SO glad you are back. Being "A" you are at the top of my bloglines, and I have missed seeing it highlighted.
That quilt just looks so fabulous.
Welcome home. Your seester is one clever chick. Very cool ceiling art.
Hello Allie, How great to have a "Sister"!! Your Autumn Leaf Quilt is sooo very lovely but it is amazing when you see the different light on it. Very neat.
Wow, you and your sister look a lot alike. I love the way your quilt glows. It's like seeing the same scene at sunset with just the sky and a few leaves glowing. Very serene.
it really nice.
very nice,colour,match,interesting.
good job sis!
that is so neat that the quilt looks like that. I love how it is hung too.
That is wild! amazing that your BIL figured that out.
Aren't sisters the best? Although I don't see my sis as often as I do now since we've moved, the times we get are the best ever!!! So glad you had a great time...
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