It measures 10 1/2" by 16". The lay-out is collaged into place, held together with fair amounts of 505 Spray and Fix, a temporary fabric adhesive. This is a fine product because it adds no stiffness to the finished piece, and I can move pieces around to tweak my lay-out as I go, unlike with fusible web. I only use tiny little blasts out of the can at a time, so the fumes are not an issue.
The next step will be to sew all my edges down with clear thread in a narrow zig-zag....then I get "dessert", which of course is the embroidery.

I tried to use the nap on the velvet so it would catch a little light...that is a mid-afternoon sun on the big lake, so there would be lots of shade mixed with bright patches of sun there on the bank in front of the cottages.
I know this place so intimately that it would really bug me if I didn't get it right!
Here's hoping the next step goes smoothly...will attack it in the morning when I am fresh. Afternoons are for the garden, and harvesting blackberries...
Looking at that gives me a feeling of comfort and serenity! It's beautiful. I think you "got it" with the velvet and the light. I'm sending the link to my friend at Mackinaw,
Seeing this come to life is really fun!
Did you mean dessert?
Sheesh, yes, Debra, I did mean "dessert"! Thanks for the copyediting!
And thank you too, Judy!
What a fascinating technique, and it is looking fantastic!
Oh Allie, it feels like home. I relly really LOVE it.The textures & colors & everything are perfect.
Allison, this is beautiful already, I feel like I could walk up to those cottages. I look forward to watching it develop.
This is going to be another beautiful piece. I like the way the unattached foliage has a nice 3-D effect.
Breathtaking and so skilful. I love it.
This really is coming to life! With that photographic water/sky, and the loose leaves, it has incredible dimension!
Allie,I want to be there on the porch sipping honey wine and stitching while taking in the cool,soft breeze and fresh scent of the lake which can only be recognized from those spending many hours along it's shores. Amazing landscape.
This is beautiful. Can't wait to see more.
This is REALLY, really cool!
Oh, Allie... wow... such dimension and perspective... just wow.
Also, you said you were using a silk print of the actual painting. Could you possibly tell how you did that little bit of magic?
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