Today I sewed the two sides to the bottom piece of the tote, added the two lining pieces, attached the magnet that will keep the totebag closed on the top, and quilted half of it. Not bad considering how much
corn Robert and I harvested and put in the freezer this afternoon! Remember all that corn he planted?

The sides are sewn to the bottom, which is a piece of ultra suede I had forgotten I had.

For the lining, first of all, I ran out of that blue silk, so I am using it along the top edges of the bag where it will show the most. Secondly, I am sewing the lining on this way, in pieces, so that I will have the opening of the bag as a finished edge to work with. I don't care about finishing the side seams yet. I'll overlap the bottom edges and finish them by hand later.

This is why I needed those top edges sewn. Here is the back of my purse magnet, poked through the lining and the seam allowance (for durability).

Here the linings are flipped down into place, ready to be quilted to the sides of the tote. And my magnets are already "installed", so to speak. I will just quilt around them.

One side is quilted. The quilting melds all those loosey-goosey woven fabric pieces together and this creates a very durable tote side. Plus it feels really cool.

A close up of the quilted hand-woven fabric and velvet. Yum.

But frankly, this is where the real action is today. Lookit all that corn.....
Such bounty! And your bag is wonderful. I like all the different colored highly-textured fabrics.
Reminds me of my past life. . . .
That PPD project is coming along wonderfully! It must be so much fun to feel -- all that texture!
That corn looks yummy -- then again, we have some of the best corn in the world in my area. Reminds me, about time to make a trip out to the farm stand!
Well - "shucking" corn is certainly a change of pace! In my past life, that was a community thing, as was quilting - great gossips fests. So was "pea shelling." Kitchen activity is good to hold off PPD. (except for cleaning up the mess)
MMMMM....I love fresh corn! :-)
Love the textures on that tote, Allie. And tis the season for the corn. Delicious! I think we've had corn everyday at home for three weeks and when I go to my friends we have corn too! Gotta get it fresh. None of us is into freezing. Tonight, all fresh veggies wrapped in tortillas. We are corned out at the moment.
Allie, the tote is wonderful!
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