I am overall quite happy with how it turned out.
First off, the center:

But once that was done, I decided I needed a little more stipple quilting elsewhere in the quilt, to tie in with the center section. The hearts were the perfect place for that.

You can see how that narrow ribbon went on between all the blocks, too...and how that ties in with the trim around the perimeter of the quilt. The trim is from Simplicity, by Cynthia Rowley.
It was interesting, combining the machine quilting with crazy quilting. I could do more of this I think.
So here is the quilt, 45" X 54", finished...

All the Pink Bandana quilts are going to be shown at the International Quilt Festival in Houston this coming fall. I am quite sure that each quiltmaker will be telling a moving story about breast cancer and the exhibit will be a highlight of the show. I'm honored to be a part of it.
And it is not too late for you to make your quilt. Read about the challenge here. Thank you, Simplicity, for initiating this!
......We did actually have ONE sunny day this week. (We have maybe had 10 sunny days since the beginning of Spring and I am not kidding here.) I took a picture of my home for my next project...which is to make the sample for my "Home Portraits" class at the Victorian Stitchery Retreat in Wichita in November...

I so look forward to teaching this class....which will be about capturing the essence of "home" in an embroidered, CQ inspired stitching project...
The quilt is beautiful! So is the sunshine.
I would love to watch you do that stippling... It is such a happy quilt. We have had VERY FEW dry sunny days on the dry side of the state either... Ger
The stipple quilting really enhances the lettering and the details really make the quilt. Lovely!
OMG Allie! That is gorgeous!
Jill's quilt is delightful. What's more, I'm struck by the colourway, which echoes that of your spring garden photo -- all blue sky, flowering trees and green grass. Delicious!
It turned out great - the background quilting makes the other elements pop. I hear you on the sunshine - we've had very little up until the last few days. It was getting a bit depressive.
What a wonderful quilt, Allie. Somehow I never realized it was for Susan's friend Jill. It's not been very sunny up our way either; not real conducive to gardening is it? Good for sewing/knitting though,eh? BTW I love your rosewindow quilt too.
The quilt is just gorgeous! I see the glow. Oh, I love it.
Hi Allie
I really like the stipple quilting and it looks good around the hearts. You always seem to know what little extra to do that really sets your stuff off.
We have rain here in Chicago almost daily and temps from the 40s to 80s then back the next day to 50s.
It is a crazy world.
I laughed when Gerry said she would have to move to seattle to get away from the rain.
Love the quilt, dear. Very refreshing and fun to watch. I'm enjoying the wonderful designs you made in them actually. Great job!
Lucky you... sunshine! Our's seems to be mostly liquid lately! You must have taken it back to Washington when you went home.
The quilt is lovely... all the stippling and the hearts turned out really nice! I have a thing for hearts though... just seem to find them everywhere I look.
Your picture of your home turned out wonderful! I can imagaine that the quilt will be wonderful too!
Love how the trim finsihed these wonderful pieces!! barabara's Door is just lovely!! what a wonderful concept. I love the fern like leaves that you made!!!
For some reason I thought that you lived in the midwest- Michigan but now I have figured out that you are in Washougal!!!!! We lived in Longview for 2 years back in 97-99. Wish i ahd known you then but so thrilled to know you Now~!!!!!
OK. I'm going to say this even though I probably shouldn't...but since most people have already commented they won't see what I say...
I think you did an amazing job of taking that yucky quilt fabric that you HAD to use...and converting it from a dime store dud to a boutique beauty!!! This is one of the happiest Breast cancer quilts I've ever seen. I absolutely LOVE it. And...the stipple quilting looks terrific...it was just THe thing! Take a bow, my dear. I'm giving you a standing O !
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