I like this size for a quick romp in my crazy quilting world. This piece grew alongside the Granddaughters' Flower Garden project...just a different take altogether on what you can do in a 16" X 16" square.
The lace motifs are from Nikki Lee's Etsy shop. She sure puts color on lace in a beguiling way.
I just wanted to play..... ;-) It's not done yet but it's close. Big stitches and lots of trim speed things up, too...
I love the intensity of these colors and the boldness of some of some of the prints. I especially loved the flowers that look like they are pleated... Did you tell us how to do that somewhere????
Gerry K.
ps My ribbon punch came Friday...anxious to use it...
Just playing is sometimes good to clear your head and try something new just for the heck of it...beautiful work, as usual!
Very pretty!
You make it look so easy, Allie. This is lovely. I love to double click on your photos so I can study the details!
Your work is most beautiful, my dear.
Lovely colours in this one and I like the pretty trims.
Even though the others already said it, I've got to exclaim about the colors in this. They shout.
I always enjoy how you put your blocks together. Such a nice flow.
Sweet! Nice choice of words, bequiling. You always do such lovely work.
Allie, it's so incredibly gorgeous as always! I love the little flower quilt piece tucked in!
It is gorgeous.
This speaks Spring/Summer to me - yea! I just love the bold & bright colors. I'm thrilled to se how you used the mini motifs - thank you.
When I see your work, it makes me realize that i need to not be so afraid of using COLOR in my work! Lovely as always!
And I see your own beautiful fabrics made from your garden's flowers all over it! Somehow you knew I was longing for the flowers and you provided them...you are a true friend.
It's exuberant! Your spirit must be very full right now...
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