No frost here on the west slope of the Cascades quite yet. There are still a few valiant bloomers putting out their last hurrah.
I drink in the color and detail, trying to imprint them on my mind for the long gray winter ahead.

My flower for #21 is done, not nearly so flashy as the real thing.

If I had time I would join my local EGA chapter and get some better embroidery skills. I am tending more toward the quick and graphic in my stitching, and could use some practice with this kind of fine work....my hat is truly off to the embroiderers!
Hard to believe we are heading into another winter, isn't it? Such a pretty and vibrant bouquet-no wonder your color palette is so vivid. Mine would be too with your garden for inspiration.
Come visit and I will give you hand embroidery lessons!!
If you take Betty up on her offer you have to take me with. Without a doubt I think she is probably the best teacher I have ever had and she sure knows how to manage a classroom.
Kidding aside your flowers are pretty and do remind me of poinsettias. you will really miss your wonderful garden of flowers but time flys and you will be back out there come Spring.
Found the large needle and will try and ship it to you next week.
They look like eidelweiss to me. Wow, what glorious color! Can you believe winter is just around the corner!
Your flower picture is awesome! I think the new flowers look great!
Allie: the flower pictures are beautiful. The colors are so brilliant for this time of year. hard to believe we are moving into the dreary season of the year. Debby
Beautifully vibrant bouquet - and you know I love those poinsettias!
I love the last flowers of the season. What a gift. It is Spring here and we are at full bloom.
It's still green in Austin - it finally rained. That second flower picture is gorgeous - I will take it to Florida with me and do a painting!!
Your stitching? It's lovely stitching.
So is your photography. What camera were you using?
As for winter, I don't find it dreary at all. I love to see the bare architecture of the trees. We usually have plenty of blue skies, and then there's the snow. And the evergreen grove I see through my window.
It's so great to have a beautiful picture of that bouquet to keep you company...not to mention the beautiful ribbons and threads and fabrics you use. I suppose they can be your winter garden but I can sure see why you'll miss it...
I also liked the placement of your two flowers...leaving the center open...I wonder if a wreath or a ring of fleurs would accomplish that as well? I'd be running out of ideas right about now so I admire your creativity...how many more are there, I forget??
Beautiful flowers Allie! And your flowers do look like poinsettas, very lovely indeed!
Beautiful flowers Allie! And your flowers do look like poinsettas, very lovely indeed!
That's a colorful bouquet--it reminds me of fire. The dark mornings are my reminders of the coming winter and I've been bringing cosmos in to brighten things up.
I like your poinsettias. I've been making a study of them, as they'll be a focal point of my next embroidery project. It's nice that you chose a light color. It took me a long time to decide which shade of red I'll use.
I'm in awe over each and every one of your floral vignettes that you've created on these "star" blocks. This may be the last physical bouquet on your table for 2009 but something tells me theres always an everlasting arrangement within that you draw upon, regardless of the season. Thanks as always for sharing your inspiration!!
Your last bouguet is stunning. So so pretty and vibrant. We've had 3 good frosts so the flowers are gone and the tree leaves almost. I'm not ready. Your quilt flowers look like pointsettias to me too but very pretty. I think your embroidery looks just fine.
I missed this somehow last week. They do look nice and a lot like poinsettias. So pretty!
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