I put an unusual binding on my "Garden Lace" CQ...I used jacquard ribbon, handsewn on the front, and then on the back. I liked adding that extra detail in the ribbon.
To finish "Elle and Dave", I mounted it on foam core, stretching it nice and taut. I wrote an article for CQMagOnline about how to do that

Both of these are ready to mail.
On the back they look like this....

I must have had that cotton lace panel fabric for 20 years! Kinda scary...
Now I am fully engaged in the final preparations for the workshops I'll be giving in Baltimore in early May. The components for the kits for Crazy Applique are cut out, the instructions written and printed, and all just needs to be assembled.

After that the in-progress block examples need to be sewn, and then the kits for the Embellished Flowers workshop need to be assembled. So I am not going to have much of interest to blog about here for the next week or so....but it is pretty fun work, pulling everything together.
I am so excited about my teaching debut! ;-)
You're gonna be a spectacular teacher, Allie! Sure do wish I could be there to join in the fun, but I guess I'll just watch from the sidelines. Have fun putting the kits together.
You're going to be an awesome teacher! Can't wait to take a class from you sometime! Now, I'm off to read the new issue of CQMag... Hugs, Cathy
Both are beautifully finished! You'll do a great job teaching, you're very prepared and you know your stuff.
Hello Allie, I am very excited for you too. They are bunch of very lucky ladies to have you teach them CQ. I look forward to hearing all about your class. Hugs Judy
Very pretty, Allie. That's a neat idea for a binding. Sure wish I lived closer to Baltimore!
I wish I could come up to Baltimore to meet you in May. I know your class is going to be excellent - just like these two peices.
What gorgeous filet lace that is!! These are truly heirlooms that will be treasured, I'm sure. You'll do fine with the teaching - your blog is superb on that.
Both pieces are lovely and that lace panel makes the perfect finish to your lace piece. Isn't it great when you finally find the perfect use for something you've been holding on to for awhile?
I feel like the lucky princess who gets to have the most popular girl at HER birthday party... Lucky lucky me...
I would love to be one of your students. You are such an inspiration. You are going to be an awesome teacher - no worries.
Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings
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