This was a fun little commission project that will be given as a gift at a baby shower.
Little Brooke should be arriving mid-October.....
I wanted to create something of quality but also fairly quickly, and this is what I came up with...

I have created an entire alphabet of flower letters that I can resize and print up as the need dictates. These letters here are approximately 2 1/2" square, on cotton sateen. I have put fusible web on the backs of them and am about to iron the onto the linen.

This shows the 505 spray I used to baste the drapery lining--a thick, loosely woven flannel of cotton--onto the back. I decided to do some more machine quilting, as I really did enjoy the look of that center circle on the White Tote.

I machine-buttonholed around the edges of my letters, then machine quilted around them, and finally added some hand embroidery.

For a speedy finish, I used the "envelope" approach, sewing the back to the front right sides together, leaving an opening, and then turning it right side out.

After it was turned, pressed, and the gap sewn shut,
then I added the border. Kind of backwards, I know, but this worked fine for me. I machine-buttonholed the trim on the inside of the border, and whipstitched it closed on the outside.

This little item measures 5 1/4" X 19 1/2".
I do love working with those letters, and have been wondering for quite awhile now if others would too...enough to buy them on a CD from me. Would you mind giving me a little feedback to help me decide whether to make them available? I think I would come up with numbers, too, and put on some mandala floral designs on the CD for good measure. $20.00 includes postage....what do you think?
Oh my, that's adorable! And, yes, I'd buy the CD!
Oh, how sweet is that! It will be a treasured piece for generations to come.
Oh, Lordy Moses but this IS adorable! I'd definitely buy a CD but just in case people would like a different color range, maybe you could come up with some more other colors? Seems to me that last year you made a spectacular mandala with some red-orange-yellow flowers. Just a thought!
Wow! This made such a beautiful present! I am impressed!
This is the cutest thing I have ever seen...Id *almost* have another baby just to get one!
I would love to use them-they are beautiful. Your work is always equisite. I can't wait to get home, get the electric back on and have a chance to use them. (I live in Houston and there's not much chance of doing CQ right now.)
I say go for it. What a great idea you had to make all the letters of the alphabet...A smart chickie you are indeed.
$20 including postage is a deal and it's cute as a button. Really.
it's perfect!!!! thanksyouthankyouthankyou!!!!
What a sweet, pretty gift this will be! The CD idea is a good one! The floral letters are lovely!
What a sweet gift! I think the idea of having them on CD is terrific; I would be interested. How hard would it be to do other colourways? I am thinking blues...
I've been waiting for a year or more for those floral alphabets and numbers! Of course people would buy a CD. That piece is soooo dear. What a treasure.
How pretty!
I'm using the "rejoice" block you gave me in a project. I'll link to your blog when I post it later this week. You can consider it a sample for your floral prints.
That is such a precious gift! I am so glad that you did a complete flower alphabet and that you are considering making it available for sale. Your work and methods are so fantastic that it would be wonderful for the rest of us to be able to use some of it in our pieces.
Uncle Hal's 9/11 is touching and beautiful. I'm beginning to feel like I knew him personally. Aren't we fortunate to have had such great uncles?!
Granny Fran, why do I have this comment posting problem only on your blog?
I would buy the CD, and the price sounds good too!
This sounds wonderful. I love all of your Mandala Floral designs. Would you be willing to post to the UK.
Hampshire UK
Here's my order.
So pretty. I definitely think people would buy the CD. I can think of garment applications for the mandala already.
What a sweet, personal gift. I think the cd is a great idea - do you already have a store or Etsy?
Absolutely gorgeous! Brooke is a very lucky little girl!!!
That is the sweetest thing... You always manage to blow me away with your talent.
You can send mine to Florida or better yet bring it in person. Time for the 3 of us to have another lunch.
All kidding aside this is a wonderful little piece that I am sure will be kept and treasured.
That's absolutely beautiful! You did a wonderful job!
Oh Allie - this is soooooo, sooooooo very pretty. What a lovely wallhanging for a beautiful baby girl.
wow...what a neat idea and I would also buy the CD. I think your work is lovely!
That is such a lovely wall hanging, beautiful work. Love the technique you used for this, thank you for being so generous with your knowledge.
I adore this project. It is so nice, and yes, the letters would be fantastic to have on a CD! Would they be editable? Also, if you did other designs, would you do a boy style? Everyone I know is having boys lately.
What about as a downloadable file?
I want one too! Can I mail you a check?
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