So before I launch into my next crazy quilt piece, which is going to be a bit more involved than what has been happening this winter, I decided to find a couple of knitting needles and pull out my box of fibers (which last appeared during the creation of a totebag last summer).
We've been watching the Nero Wolfe series from Netflix in the evenings, and I have been knitting!

This is pretty silly but it is fun, and could even look good when it is 6 feet long and draped around my neck on a cold winter's day! (If I want to revive my old hippie days, that is...)
What a great project. I always like to have somthing "on the needles," and currently it's a pair of socks.
Your piece could easily be folded into a bag, but it would make a very lively scarf as well.
Old hippies never die, they just wear colorful knitted scarves on cold days. Once a hippie, always a hippie.
Far out scarf, man. Far out.
Actually I saw a scarf at the mall this winter that was knitted with various fibers etc. Each section was about 5 inches long and it was so cute....I wanted to make one myself and now that I see yours...I hope I remember to do that this fall!
What a colorful project! I'm thinking you're planning to embellish it when you've used up all those odds and ends? It'll be fun to see.....
I am a knitting addict!! My last binge involved cutting fabric into strips (and OH what a stash I accumulated!) and knitting pillows and tote bags.
OK Allie - now run that little sucker through your embellishing machine and make some magic!
I love this!!!
tst, once a hippie always a hippie at heart. what a beautiful scarf.
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