Lucky me! At the bottom of my driveway and up the road just 1/10th of a mile is a most beautiful garden: Linda's Dahlias is a small-scale commercial dahlia UPick place...she also sells tubers.
I headed over there yesterday as I wanted to see it in its fall glory before the first frost and the big rains come along.
Come along!....

Right below this sign, and just above the Washougal River, is the main garden..

This is the view from the road. While I was there a couple different cars going by stopped in the middle of the road so the drivers could look...there were squealing brakes and horns going off from the traffic behind them!

This is the overflow garden down below the main one. Linda and her husband just keep adding varieties, now numbering about 350.

Next to the overflow garden is the test garden. Linda lets the bees pollinate her dahlias and then saves some of the seed. She'll then start those seeds to see what kind of hybrids she'll get.
Yes, she is passionate about dahlias!

The main garden again, facing north.

I'm zooming you all in here. This is but a small section of one of the many rows of flowers.

And here are some random close-ups...

These are LARGE flowers, much bigger than my hand.

Ah, the face of perfection....

And here is the lovely Linda herself.

Of course I had to bring some home, shown here with the latest pears from our prolific trees--these are Asians and Boscs. knew this was inevitable!