Saturday, February 24, 2007

TAST Fly Stitch

Take A Stitch Tuesday is turning into a series of warm-up sketches for me, each one using the stitch of the week, to explore embroidering a landscape of a specific place...overlooking Lake Michigan from on the bank, under the trees, in the tall grass...
I have done many takes on this subject over the years, including a large crazy quilt, and will continue to do more. I plan on taking these sketches with me next summer when I go back, and doing some plein aire stitching. I should be well warmed-up by then.
I printed a photograph on linen and then backed that with woven interfacing before I started stitching...the print was more a suggestion than an identifiable image, which was really fun to explore.

It is so cool to discover how just changing the angle of the fly stitch, the lengths of the different parts of the stitch, and their density can give so many effects. ...


Granny Fran said...

Amazing how much that one simple stitch implies in this image!

Anonymous said...

Allie, this is lovely, very impressionist!

Robin said...

This is beautiful, especially when enlarged by clicking! Rich and subtle! Got a great chuckle out of "plein aire stitching".... Love it!

Peticelul Romanesc said...

Very nice, amazing that you can do a landscape wity fly stitch!

BöskeZ said...

You could name it "morning mist".
It makes me feel walking in a misty autumn day...

MaryB said...

Wow, I really love this - well done :-)

Nancilyn (Fiberdabbler) said...

So soft, so subtle, so beautiful.

Susan said...

Thanks for describing your technique before stitching. I may try something similar with one of my sunsets on one of the 12 x 12 x 4 challenge pieces. I love the way it looks.