The border blocks are all finished! This quilt is now going to have to go into rehabilitation and have some of its trim that will require the seam ripper, a trip to Fabric Depot to find the trim that I now have in mind, then the resewing of, I am going to try quilting in the ditch with clear thread around all the patches in the central section before I move on to embellishing it. The quilt still seems too floppy to me, and I want it to lie flat. The quilting will just attach the top to the interfacing better....I hope that does the trick.
So you're not going to see the whole quilt just yet...but you will after it gets out of rehab....
Meanwhile, here are the rest of the border blocks...

Hey, where did he come from? You'll have to ask Martha Green about that.....

I chose to use the whole 4" X 4" of this block to showcase this fabric, so I just outlined the leaves in a backstitch using rayon thread.

These little stamped fans are so cool. I love filigree anything....

Wish me and the quilt luck as we head into the next phase! Things could get a little dicey for awhile.....
All these blocs are marvelous. I wish you all the best for the rehab!!!
Rehab! That must be where my Winter Madonna has gone. . .
I assume you will embellish the little outside blocks more with beads and such. Looking good!
Fascinating to see what you do, Allie. I'll be waiting for the return from rehab.
The diversity of your embellishments is amazing! I would love to be a little mouse in the corner of your studio; it would be a university education in crazy quilts.
Love that Elvis, we had dinner with him and Marilyn and Jimmie Dean Friday evening at Big Daddy's Diner. Unfortunately, they were only cardboard.
With your skill Allie, I'm sure this will be spectacular,as each little glimsp has been.
I love the look of the fabric where you outlined the shapes only... stunning!
Wishing you luck!
Love the Elvis...what a stitch! Hey, did I make a pun? (groan)
LOVE elvis in there! Gorgeous stitch work...
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