I think I really enjoyed working on this project because the stitching for once was so simple.
Just the feather stitch, in different sizes, colors, directions, and out of a few different threads---but really, the decision making was minimal here compared to normal crazy quilt work, which made this "fast, fun, and easy", as the saying goes.
My threads:

These are all hand-dyed silk floss from
Vicki Clayton and silk perlee from Kreinik (alas, discontinued.)
Don't you love to see the back of a crazy quilt? I do.

As always, I interfaced my pieced "block" (though this was big, by block standards, 20" X 24") with fusible knit interfacing before I began the handwork. It really helps keep things flat and stable without a hoop. I'm not a hoop person.
Here is the piece, every seam covered:

I think this still looks plenty chaotic, but the uniformity of the stitching does tame that somewhat. Or maybe it is that subliminal message that says "yes, she did slow down and take her time here, even though it looks wild!" I don't know...anyway, I like the look!
Those two large-ish patches in the center, the brown one and the maroon one above it, are fairly begging for some motifs. I'll work on those next.
This is so interesting to look at. What a great job you did.
I love the look of this. It's complex and interesting. Can't see those long seams at all!
Except for the coloring, which I love, it looks very vintage. The piecing is totally old school done by "new" fingers. Always love your work Allie Pie!
It's chaotic, but for a pillow that's fine. It's going to be stunning--a wonderful accent for any setting.
Love the vintage crazy quilt feel of it, Allie. It will be a great addition to your new quilt.
This is such a happy, festive piece! It does look vintage, which is one of the reasons Martha’s piecing method is so wonderful. This is just stunning! Hugs, Cathy
Love how it turned out. Just goes to show us all that using just one simply sitch can make such an impact. Hope mine turns out half as nice.
I love everything about it... I agree with Cathy...it's festive!!
Gerry K.
I love it, I love it.
Just the look I'm looking for.I must try the technique out.And since its a long weekend here. I have the time. yipee. :)
Thanks heaps for sharing.
Regards Phillipa in NZ
It's wonderful Allie. I love the colors most. I think those two patches just need a big old monogram "S" and then it will be ready to come live on my sofa!!!
I have major crumb envy...
oh be careful when you strart to add embellishment- I would find it hard to stop!!! I know that nothing that you could do to this piece would hurt it! You make everything look fast fun and fabulous!!!!
I love the use of the same stitch throughout!!!
Where do you find the fusible knit interfacing????
have a glorious weekend!!
I love your crumby pillow top. ;-)
What type of knit fusible interfacing do you use Allie? I would love to stitch and not use a hoop. I know Judith Baker Montano uses a stiff muslin of some kind. Never can remember what she uses.
I sure can't find the long seams. Looks great!
Glad you showed the threads, Allie, as on my computer your beautiful stitching looks white. It'll be interesting to see whether you stop at two embellishments. Whatever you do, it's lovely!
It turned out really nice allie. Very vintage looking. With so many patterns you did not need extra embellishment in the stitching. I think this would be fun to do.
Are you going to embellish just the two patches or more?
I also like looking at the back of a CQ piece. I agree this piece has a nice old-fashioned look. I've been wanting to try the fusible thing, too. It'd be nice not to use the hoop.
I love it! It's charming - and so pretty!! The stitching is perfect.
The seam stitching brought it from "chaos" to "orderly chaos" - which is great! It's really beautiful, cheerful, elegant, and holds together well.
I am so impressed! Beautiful work.
On looking at this again up close (click to enlarge), it actually whirls and dances and settles back down within it's boundaries. Your eye does amazing things when you put these together - colors, lines, and shapes. It's a beauty!
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