We're back in the rainy and cold Northwest, so making some cheery yellow flowers seemed just the thing to do.

I broke my own rule of ''no flower beads'' for this quilt--I do want to emphasis stitching--but I love these vintage yellow Lucite beads so much that I had to include them. Rules need to be broken once in awhile...
The stems are simply twisted 4mm silk ribbon; the fly stitch is Krienik Soie Gobelins (which I love), and the little clumps of flowers and leaves at the base are from some trim I cut up. The calyxes behind the flowers are little silver beads, and the center beads are pressed glass.
So then I had to see how the blocks all look together.....

...so I laid them out on the kitchen table, sharing the space with some of Robert's innumerable squash. You can see it is pretty dark and rainy out there....
How about a better look?

In classic blogger fashion, I stood up on a kitchen chair to take this...so it's not the best photo...but it gives an idea of how things are shaping up.
Only six more blocks to go!
Looking terrific Allie!!
Beautiful! And so small! I had no idea about the scale although you probably mentioned it earlier.
Love the standing on the chair comment--when I do that everything is always tilted.
It's coming along beautifully!
This is going to be a gorgeous quilt - can't wait to see it finished!
Allie, this is looking just amazing! Really love all the different techniques you used on the flowers. So creative.
Beautiful!! Only 6 more ? You are almost done!
At least when you use the table you don't have a dog plop his butt on the piece like you do when you use the floor!
Very pretty!
Looking at this beautiful, sparkling piece is as good as having a sun shiny day.
Lovely flowers. Where oh where did you get those incredible yellow Lucite beads? Your quilt is coming along beautifully (no surprise there, LOL). And I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who stands up on chairs to take pictures. :-) Hugs, Cathy
That's looking gorgeous!
I love the little beads on this block, they're very pretty. I'm a sucker for vintage beads and buttons, lol.
I always say there are no rules except the ones you want to make for yourself.
The quilt is going to be stunning.
Krienik Soie Gobelins sounds like something from "Harry Potter" to me.
You had a very good idea, the bead flowers are gorgeous. I like this "old yellow" colour. The base made with the trims is so bluffing, they look like silk ribbon roses, that is the work of an artist.
Only six more!!! Keep going, almost there.
Thanks for showing it in its entirety--I had no idea it was so small! I imagined it to be much larger. The detail of the tiny flowers is incredible.
Waytago, Allie!
Allie, you're still in your garden! It's LOVELY!!
It's looking really lovely, a nice compliment to Robert's squash collage. I love art in the kitchen.
Wow. They look great all together. What fun!
What a beauty this is!! I didn't realize it is so small.
This is beautiful Allie. Really inspiring.
Interested in your comment about yellow flowers in the cold and wet weather. For several years I have kept a pot of bright yellow flowers (pansies, primroses or something like that) on my deck where I can see them from inside through the winter. In fact the last of the pansies are looking really tatty but I still haven't pulled them out yet and it is nearly summer here.
Jacqui (in Auckland, New Zealand)
WOW Allie! I am so amazed by your talent. This is so wonderful and I am sure this will be your greatest work yet. I always think that and then you do something even more amazing. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Kerri Murphy
I love ALL your blocks very much. Absolutely beautiful design!
Hi, your works are beautiful, warm greetings, Wanda
This quilt is amazing.
Hi, Allie!! I'm really enjoying watching this series of squares! Hey - we use the same Very Professional, Climb-on-the-Chair picture-taking techniques!
The whole quilt is amazing! It's hard to picture it in context, one square at a time. I love the "pattern" formed by the whole thing.
Sorry to hear about your gloomy weather. But don't feel too alone - our started a couple days ago, and it looks as if we won't see sun for a good week or more. I've got my fingers crossed for snow, but I don't think it's going to happen! Just rain, rain, rain. Heh heh. Perfect for indoor projects.
Hope you're well!
It is looking exquisite! I love your handwork and I really like those Hexagons that pop out when looking at the whole thing; you know how I am about hexagon quilts!
Granny Fran again.
Your work is absolutely lovely. I admire it very much. Very interesting pattern when put together.
WOW! That is so impressive. They look so amazing altogether like that.
Each block by itself is exquisite, but together they are a true work of art.
WOW! Absolutely gorgeous. I wouldn't have been able to resist the temptation to see it all laid out, either!
They are wonderful! Although, picky person that I am... your going to have to move things around a bit... to many similar colors from the same color group in one area! LoL.... I know, I know, they aren't sewn together yet! They sure do look nice though!
Just flash back to Mexico... I understand completely.... weather wise! We had snow Saturday! Right after the kids from Church finished a food drive! LoL... talk about answered prayers!
Allie, I don't stop by very often, but when I do, I continue to be blown away by the detail and beauty of your work. You deserve to splurge once in a while!
Margaret in Mirror, AB
WOW. I just found your blog, I'm so amazed! This is so beautiful!
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