We're back in the rainy and cold Northwest, so making some cheery yellow flowers seemed just the thing to do.

I broke my own rule of ''no flower beads'' for this quilt--I do want to emphasis stitching--but I love these vintage yellow Lucite beads so much that I had to include them. Rules need to be broken once in awhile...
The stems are simply twisted 4mm silk ribbon; the fly stitch is Krienik Soie Gobelins (which I love), and the little clumps of flowers and leaves at the base are from some trim I cut up. The calyxes behind the flowers are little silver beads, and the center beads are pressed glass.
So then I had to see how the blocks all look together.....

...so I laid them out on the kitchen table, sharing the space with some of Robert's innumerable squash. You can see it is pretty dark and rainy out there....
How about a better look?

In classic blogger fashion, I stood up on a kitchen chair to take this...so it's not the best photo...but it gives an idea of how things are shaping up.
Only six more blocks to go!