I dug out, regrouped, and finished up my block piecing...also completed another flower motif.

Now, before I show how my quilt is shaping up, I want to refresh your memory concerning the original quilt that inspired it.

I have cut down on the number of blocks but did try to keep the proportions fairly close to the same, and also simplified the fan blocks.
I did try to leave some big chunks of fabrics in the blocks for later motif embroidery (not my strong suit but I'll give it my best shot).
Also...I tried piecing with straight seams but gave that up quickly. It just wasn't possible!
My goal was to retain the reference to vintage, but give it a thoroughly modern punch.

I always try to build in some common elements into my blocks...to help unify things. These blocks all have white in them, and most of them use trim from Ally's Bazaar. (Such great prices...and wonderful service, too.) There is large lace on every block as well.
That outer border is going to wait til last, which could be awhile, but I hope and trust it will tie everything together.
Now it is time to pack up my blocks and some embellishment supplies...I'm heading to Michillinda tonight on the red eye!
I can get mail at the neighbor's, (they have WiFi) but I won't be blogging til I get home...so, see you in a week...and
Happy Stitching!
As usual...enjoying watching your quilt unfold.
Happy trip, Allie!
see you there seester!!!!!!
This is a shaping up wonderfully!
Have a wonderful and happy, relaxing time! I do look forward to this quilt, as it's great visual image, as well as splendid entertainment.
What a fun piece, Allie! I love the bonus circles....what a neat surprise! Have a great time in Michigan, and don't forget your bugspray!
Have a great time!
I LOVE these flower blocks - beautiful!!
I'm no expert, but I know you encourage helpful suggestions from friends, so I wanted to share an observation. In the third row down, the first and fourth blocks with the turquoise curved pieces grabbed my attention. Perhaps moving one of them up would solve that.Although I know they could look very different with embellishments.
Bring a sweatshirt and bug spray! Happy shore strolling!
Have fun in Michigan. Think of me when you dip your toes in the lake!
I am spending time with family here & don't have time for blogging either. Maybe next week!
How have you been Allie? Nice to be here again and see your artwork. Looking forward to your new posts,
Allie, your stuff is always gorgeous. I have just one suggestion, the center portion needs to be larger to balance out the size of the pieced blocks surrounding. The original has 2 whole circles and 2 half circles while yours has 1 whole circle and 2 half circles. The proportion just seems off and the center is getting too swallowed by the outer bit. Of course, I could be wrong!! It's been known to happen. :-)
This is just magical, Allie! I love how each block and each star has it's own magic... all different... all fitting together to make a beautiful whole, where the details slip into second place to the over-all joy of it. The use of the common elements definitely keeps it all together! Bravo!
I hope you are having a lovely, peaceful time in Michillinda... I see you in your quilt, quietly sitting by water's edge, taking in the goodness surrounding you.
Love and hugs, Robin
Hope you are having a wonderful time. Your quilt is coming along beautifully.
How could your studio not be cluttered while making such masterpieces with so many rich materials. If you stopped to put each piece away you would never get the quilt done.
Hope you are having a wonderful time. Your quilt is coming along beautifully.
How could your studio not be cluttered while making such masterpieces with so many rich materials. If you stopped to put each piece away you would never get the quilt done.
It commented, it commented! Wheeee!
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