I drove up to see my son Max's new apartment that he shares with his girlfriend, Esther. They live in a neat neighborhood near the U District called Wallingford...have a nice 2 bedroom apartment with a view of the top of the Space Needle! It's a close bus commute to Max's job at Amazon in downtown Seattle...all in all, a sweet scene and I enjoyed being their guest a lot.
Now all they need is furniture.

Well, actually....I think they are finally going to get some basics at Ikea next week-end. I hope so! My shabby old bones could use a chair when I visit...the food was great, though, vegan enchilladas by Esther.
I got plenty of work done on my peace sign while we were all hanging out.

I'm just about done with this central section, and I must say I am happy with it. Now for the crazy quilted frame....
Hi Allie,
Thanks for the info on Fusion Beads! I don't get over that way too often but might just have to...
next time you're up this way, let me know..maybe we could meet for coffee?
This is lovely - ive been away so missed the progess.
nice dinner, but chairs would be good
I love how this is turning out Allie... seeing how you built it up through your last posts, the depth is great. Also love your new photo here on your page.... this is how I picture you to a tee!! Your son and GF look so happy.. ahh... I remember when furnishings took second seat to youth (and better knees).
I love how you've embellished this piece. It's so sweet and lovely.
Boy did this post bring back memories...it was kind of nice back then, eating off of a cardboard box. Everything was an adventure...
I don't know, eating vegan, hanging out on the floor, visiting a bead shop, and making a peace sign? Are you sure you're in the right decade?
those photos certainly took me back...did they have a mattress on the floor too? :)
love those little yellow flower beads...very cute!
looks like a fun time was had by all.
This is such a fun project you are working on-it's really beautiful.
The kids have turned out well too...:)
Hi, Allie,
Nice peace sign!
--Dave at Rings & Things
to be so unemcumbered is really pretty admirable!
Love your new photo too!
You are a brave woman and a good sport - but it looks like fun for them. I remember being just out of college and young and poor and very happy with cardboard boxes. It was a good time.
I love the work you're doing with flowers and the peace sign. Did you know that the peace sign originated in Europe and stood for "Nuclear Disarmament"? Here's a link with more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_symbol#The_peace_symbol
Beautiful work, as always. Thank you so much for sharing what you do.
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