Thanks to you lovely gals who suggested I teach online sometime. The thought had never occurred to me to do that...but maybe someday I will. You honor me. ;-)
To be frank, the whole idea of beginning to teach professionally has me filled with excitement and yet also some new questions. Up until now I have always put my work out there for all to see....and I surely don't want to have to learn to hold back now (unless contractually obligated to do so) . That would take the fun out of blogging for me.
I contacted the Program Chair of the guild who hired me to ask her what she thought about me posting my class samples. Blogging can be tricky when you involve other people, however tangentially, in your posts, so I wanted to be sure I wasn't crossing any "line" with the guild.
Graciously she replied that she thought her guild wasn't hurt by this in any way, but I might in future want to consider protecting my designs. Nice of her, wasn't it?
So all that said, here are my class samples underway....

This is slow going but very satisfying, in that I get to do three variations concurrently. There are some subtle compositional differences that are fun to explore...and I want to give my students enough examples that they will see that there is no one "right way" to go...
On another note...literally....I want to share my newest listening discovery!
My friend Leigh's husband Rich runs his own radio station (with a buddy) out of his home. It is a bona fide NPR affiliate, but most of the programming is homegrown. I guess there are several online radio stations out there. Rich's is about 1 watt over the airwaves, but streaming online to anywhere in the world.
There are no ads....little the mornings there is the "Word of the Day" feature which is fun...and we get to hear the weather for Jerome, Arizona, the home of Gulch Radio...
Tunes, tunes, tunes there are in abundance. This is for Boomers, no doubt about it. But the mix is eclectic and the hits obscure. I've heard stuff on there that I haven't heard since I was a little kid stretched out on my towel on the sand at Michillinda, soaking up the sun after swimming for hours, with WLS on the transister crammed to my ear.
Particularly wonderful is Rich's Sunday afternoon show, "Geezer Rock" where he takes email requests for those favorite hard to find oldies from the 50's and 60's.

Do check them out
here. It is great stitching music....(you may have to register, but that is easy and you only have to do that once.)
And Rich has such a great voice. He sounds like Robert Osbourne, of Turner Classic Movies....