I was going to wait until it was all pieced to show it to you all...but then I thought what the heck! It's not like I'm showing the instant disaster zone my sewing room has become! You can see how things are evolving and beginning to come together here on the design wall...what a blast this is for me, just my favorite thing in all the world to do.
Of course, I had my mandatory false start yesterday; I think I always have to sew a block or two to warm up. So I have a reject center bottom block which you won't see. For me it is good not to be attached to whatever happens on the first day of a new project like this, where I am spontaneously designing it as I go along.
I would say this quilt is definitely influenced by all those little mandala 9 patch quilts I made last month. One thing does lead to another, down the primrose path....
I can't do this kind of sewing for more than about 4 hours at a time...but remember all those flower beds Robert and I planted a few weeks ago? They are covered with green fuzz, about 85% of which is weeds. So I'll mosey on out into this most heartmeltingly lovely June afternoon and get busy...
Thanks for sharing that you actually have false starts. (I never would have guessed) I just started over on a project that I put many hours into, and I was very reluctant to start over. But start over I did, and got more done in one day than before. It never occurred to me you have to "get warmed up" - but it totally makes sense! I stretch before exercising, so why not stretch the brain before creating!?!
OY I have had a week of false starts - been away from my usual thing too long. The block has a beautiful start. It's exciting to see you back with the needle in hand. I call this sort of thing "shifting gears" - and it is sometimes difficult. You will be "driving along" smoothly before long.
On second thought - I think my gears are all rusted and refuse to shift today.
Oh yeah, false starts. Better than false finishes (which I've had a few of when I didn't listen to the voice telling me that I should scrap part of the beginning of a project). Athletes warm up before peforming -- why shouldn't we too?
Weeding. The not so much fun part of gardening. But at least it offers a chance to be outside!
Back in the old days, I was taught that you should warm up about an hour on handquilting (something like a pillow) before getting to the real business of handquilting your quilt.
Like Rian has been showing in her blog entries, it takes time to get into your groove. Switching from design to stitch to garden to life takes a bunch of thought. Some days it is there, some days it is not. But, the fun is finding out!
It is interesting to see how you go about piecing onto the 9-patch background.
I know only too well about false starts, sigh. We have to warm up when we take even a little break for other pursuits.
I love seeing how things develop! Thanks for sharing this.
Yes, I can't wait to see this "Alliefied". Right now it looks like a bunch of blocks, that are all nice alone, but I just have no idea how they will be together. All I do know is that it will be totally gorgeous when you finish.
I love to see "the steps" of a project, thank you!corina
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