I thought it would be interesting to try a lay-out a bit more complex than the simple 9 patch I have been using for these little quilts. But as soon as I got into triangles I remembered quickly why I love the randomness of crazy piecing. Humph!
But it gave me a chance to use my nifty new seam-ripper, which was recommended to me by Willa Fuller after it had been recommended to her by the great Carole Samples herself. It is fabulous, and I did need it.

Anyway, I sewed up my two different sets of print outs to see which one I liked best. I actually won't really know which one I prefer until I "work them up" with machine quilting and some handwork too.
In the meantime, here they are:

This was a fun puzzle.....
I won't tell anyone about the points if you don't -- besides, with all of that lucious color and fun design, who is going to look at the points anyway?
I love your idea of doing a quilt pattern block with your flower photo fabrics. Who cares if the points aren't perfect, they look wonderful, embellish away! The silk broadcloth gives a more watercolor effect. I love that saturated color on the satin, though.
As usual, you leave me speechless and slack-jawed. Gorgeous.
Hi allie
I was tagged to reveal 7 things about me and the second part of the meme is to tag a further 7 people so I thought of you – hope you don't mind and of course if you don't feel like responding you don't have to – its just an internet game which if you don't see as fun or if you don't have time it's OK
Allie, I love them both. Corners??? I don't see any imperfections.
It's good to get out of your comfort zone every now and then!
(My guess is that your corner triangles needed to be further into your square to actually meet in the middle of the square, which is usually a math/size problem more than a technique problem.)
This one is a winner!! It's beautiful. I am waiting anxiously for the next installment - the embellishments. JAH
Waouw! Lovely result!
Who cares about the piecing?! The colors and the floral medallion image as a whole are gorgeous!
What I like the best, however, is your pic of Lake Michigan in the next post! {sigh}
Darn you Allie!!And I only mean Darn. You are making me want to try this. Just when I am catching up and finding a break in my "want to do" list. Argh!!!!! This technique just goes so well with my love of gardening and picture taking. Double argh!When will I ever sleep????
Allie, these are just beautiful. I can't wait to see them all dressed up, I can't imagine them being any prettier.
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