I had a week on Lake Michigan with a few of my very dear cousins. It was my first time visiting in September in three decades. Fall arrived my first night there.
The mornings were crisp and vivid.

The trees at Michillinda always overcome me with their grandeur and grace.

But really, this year was about the wind and the whitecaps.

Here is the view a little later, looking the other way, towards the north.

So I had to go into town to get some reading glasses to tide me over until I get some new prescription ones.

It was so hard to leave yesterday...though it's always great to come on home.

Oh, and I did work on a very fun project all week which I will post next time.
Glad you had family time at your beloved cottage. Glad you shared the photos of the scenery and your reading glasses. Now, that was a wind!
Love your pics of the Lake. I was raised in Michigan City and miss the lake so much. Even though I live close, its still not like being able to visit it daily.
You look so relaxed and happy Allie. The pictures are absolutely gorgeous. I can't imagine it really looked like that! Glad you had a good week.
Those sunset photos are amazing. I know you will do something spectacular with them! Right now I have about 7 pair of prescription glasses but I will downsize that now that I no longer work. But I will always have (and travel with) at least 2 because I have a strong fear of losing or breaking my glasses.
Allie, you are so lucky to have a place like that to return to each year, and all those dear associations and routines. Glorious spot!
I rarely comment, but your beautiful lake pictures inspired me to. They look like something you could do one of your quilts on -- both are so beautiful!
What absolutely breathtaking photos - I can feel myself there in them. It's good for the soul. I hope I'm seeing a quilt/picture started to bud. Thanks for sharing the gorgeous scenery and the sound of the waves.
What a lovely cottage... There's something about being by water that is thrilling and I think it's how quickly it responds to the weather... great photos.. I couldn't find my way 2" without my glasses... Gerry K.
Wow! Amazing pictures! I can see why you love it there!
I was just up the coast at Lew's son Joe's wedding on Mission Penninsula in Grand Traverse! What a blow! The tents were fully deployed and the bride's veil was flying, but we had fun. All the kids convened, so I'll post a picture on FB.
Welcome home, Allie. And thanks for bringing back some wonderful memories of growing up on Lake Michigan.
Hi Allie! Your pictures are so beautiful. I could just hear the wind as I looked at those sunset photos... I like your temporary glasses! ;) Paulette
What gogeous pictures...autumn has really come in with a bang there. x
welcome back Allie. We have had that wind on this side of Lake M. also. Deck is constantly covered in tree branches.
What great photos. In the fall weather your retreat looks like a rugged place--it shows a whole different side of itself. I'm glad you had a good trip.
Loved seeing it - I always think of it when i think of a seaside cottage, now.
Wonderful pictures of Michillinda. I can't wait to see what comes of the inspiration of your beloved retreat. Welcome home.
Amazing photos of a beautiful place!!! It reminds me of Fall on Cape Cod, where I am from!! Lake Michigan really looks more like the Ocean, especailly in these shots!!!
I just read your guest post on Pam's blog. I so enjoyed seeing your work. Such depth is created with using the stitch embellishments. Thank you,
So lovely. Great pics.
sounds like a wonderful time, but i must say, that 5th photo down of the ocean is absolutely stunning! it almost looks surreal, and the colors are gorgeous!
p.s.those glasses look cute on you :)
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