This trip has been utterly magical for so many reasons. Susan has been a truly lovely host and friend, my students have been wonderful, the teaching is a rich and brand new endeavor, already showing me great joy and challenge too (there is so much to learn)...and getting to join JoWynn for dinner at her marvelous community of Charlestown--we've been online friends for several years now--oh how marvelous!

(Susan just taught me how to post bigger pictures.)
The block piecing class went well...

Susan took this picture of Jowynn and me....

A full day of class awaits...hoping you are all well and stitching....
I knew you were cut out for teaching! Continue to have a wonderful trip.
What fun! So great to see two of my favorite bloggers together!
Looks like you're having a fabulous time!
Oh, lovely that you have so much fun.
I'm jealous that you met those two ladies :-) but I'm sure you all thought of us watching you from all the world :-)
Hey you! I know that feeling ... meeting on-line friends in person & glad that you had the opportunity to ... it is so much fun! I knew you'd love the in-person teaching thing ... enjoy the experience!
Hugs ... Marie
What fun! I hope you continue to have a fabulous time.
Looks like fun, and im sure your class is wonderful! I hope you get some time to enjoy the city...Baltimore is a fabulous place!
Sounds like your having a great time!
Thanks so much for sharing - I knew you'd be great! and isn't it true that you learn so much while at the same time teaching? Wonderful experience, and I'm sure you are doing it well.
I'm glad it's been a great experience for you. How great to enjoy someone as much IRL as you do URL. =) Didn't you love the door behind you in that photograph?
Such wonderful pictures!!!
Glad your teaching stint was a success!
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