It was with great excitement and no small amount of trepidation that I approached the Embellisher this morning armed with a pile of materials. How was all this going to work? What do I do here?
I decided to make a collage about spring. The weather forecast for the US heartland today is just so cold and icy...I thought some flowers would be nice for us all!
I have to say....this machine felting is a whole new ballgame. It is REALLY fun.

This piece is 11" X 12". The lettering, which is hand-couched silk yarn, went on last and took as long as the rest of the piece put together, altogether about 4 1/2 hours. Click on the photo for a better view.
I'm going to be doing several more small studies along these lines over the next many days...and I'll show in-progress shots so you can see the stages they go through. But for now, here are a couple of details.

Collage has always been fun for me, and that is really what this process is, layering elements.

Those are some vintage silk flowers first felted on with a bit of silk roving (which acted as a kind of fiber "glue")...and then the center was tacked down again by hand with a flower sequin and a bead.
In a way, this "felted" collage could be looked at like a pieced crazy quilt block...the background for all kinds of handwork to bring it to a more complex focus...but I want to keep cranking out studies for awhile before I let myself do that.

If you are curious, here is how it looks from the back. The flowers were "felt appliqued" (I just made that term up) with no threads of course...the barbed needles of the Embellisher just pushed the edges of one fabric in through the layer(s) of fabric below it. The yarns and fibers I laid down like lines show up more on the back here than the felted applique does.
I have a request...if any of you know of good felted embellishment links, could you leave them in the comment section, or email me? Thanks...
I have a feeling I am in for a beautiful friendship with this new machine....
The writing Spring's just cool ;-) Thanks for the joy and inspiration.
You're amazing! One practice piece and you've mastered the thing.
Beautiful work Allie! Also wanted to let you know that I've named you in the "You Make My Day" award posted today on my blog.
Thanks for the inspiration
A wonderful new toy!! I'll be watching with interest. That's different, and awfully pretty.
What a stunning use of the embellisher, if this is you first this space!!.
A word of warning. The embellisher is very addictive. It's far too easy to become 'hooked'! Great start
Another amazing piece of textile art! And what a joy to come to your blog and see the word "Spring". As you know, Winter and I don't get along well. This is beautiful. I can't wait to see what else you do with your new toy. I might be wanting one.
Is there no end to your talent, woman? :> )
Seriously, this is great Allie. Thank you for the spring thoughts.
I never realized you could embellish things besides wool, silk, and similarly textured fibres. The idea of felt applique is really appealing. I'm sure this is going to be a fun new tool in your workshop.
Absolutely beautiful - inspires me to get back to work!
Wow, Awesome Aller is at it again! I have to go look up this machine and see what an embellisher is...I don't even have a clue.
What a fantastic, quick technique to get a base block put together. I like how you are using both hand and machine elements.
A beautiful, amazing piece, Allie! Thanks for explaining your process. Inspirational.
This is so pretty. I like the way you didn't over-felt and the fabric is still so visible. As you say, there's still room for some embellishment.
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