I sure feel rusty with a needle and ribbon or thread! (As opposed to beads.)
But the embellishment of the picture is done. I raised the picture up off the surface the same way as the fans...
The writing has been printed up, but I need to get the fancy back all cut out so I can center both parts of the label on it. That's next....
Wish I was that rusty with a needle and thread : )
The silk ribbon really adds something special to the floral prints. Will you be finished by Christmas, do you think?
What a way to top off the quilt, Allie! This is just wondermous!
Lovely--the stitched flowers on the printed flowers.
Wow, you're fast! This is really fun to watch evolve.
What you are doing - embellishing the floral photo prints, is going to convert me. I feel it coming.
That is such a fantabulous label. I love the trapunto for the photo, the fans and the H. Uncle Hal must be so proud of you! I can appreciate what you are doing even more now that I've lost Dad. Such a precious labor of love. I'm sure glad some of Uncle Hal's artistic ability rubbed off on you.
Wonderful, Allie. I'm presuming you are working on that back the last couple of days. This is a very fitting label for the quilt.
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