
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pat's Peace Sign...Part 4

Today brought back happy memories of working on the Spring CQ, as I recreated some of the flowers I used on that quilt.

First there were the little angelina flowers.
But this time, after I fused my sheet of angelina and found it too thin, I didn't try to fuse more angelina on top. I've learned that this just doesn't work, because the layers come apart.
So with wonder under I fused my thinnish sheet of angelina onto some magenta silk. That did the trick.

I love the fuzzy texture I get from felting, so I laid down a small section of green wool and silk fibers on top of this hand dyed silk dupioni, (the same dupioni already on the peace sign as the little fused leaves. This is to help the different leaves blend.)

Using the same technique as for the "Dove Rose" on the Spring CQ, I made a single rose for the bottom of the peace sign wreath.
That bunch of pre-fab paper roses cost $1.oo at a local craft discount warehouse. I gave one of them a quick bath in the Dye-Na-Flow and got my yellow center. It's just to the left of the jar in the picture.

In her comment on the last post, Susan Elliot wrote that the background print gives a jumping off point and framework for creating the composition. Bingo, Susan! I don't know how much of it will even show by the end--except for the daffodils, which Pat loves--but it has given me a great beginning to work from.
I'm already imagining the little CQ frame that will go around this block, too....

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