
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pat's Peace Sign...Part 3

The tomatoes are keeping me fully involved.

This shows a portion of the Great Tomato Plantation of 2008.
Right now I have a tray of these Super Marzano plum tomatoes roasting in the oven with onion and rosemary....just for a quick little sauce for dinner tonight. I go out there and pick a sackful of them and don't make a dent!

So I'm not working in the sewing room as long each day as usual, but I did get a bit done this morning on the peace sign.

The fun part of starting with a neutral background is that adding contrasting colors gives such a pleasant jolt.
Hopefully I'll have more on here for my next post.....


  1. Jolt is a great word. I also like that the background fabric gives you a framework and a jumping off point for your composition. Making a new batch of popcorn...

  2. Your tomato crop is amazing! I can't believe we live in the same state!

    I love how the peace sign is progressing.....

  3. For those of us still facing empty shelves at the grocery store, your canned goods look marvelous!

  4. The peace sign is comong along great!

  5. You are so lucky to have too many tomatoes ... we had such a horrible summer here that I didn't get a single tomato to ripen and blight got all the plants in the end.

  6. The green fabric has just sort of faded! It's so much fun to see how colors change in conjunction with each other. Not to mention the effects of dimension.

    I'm envying you your tomatoes. Ernie can no longer go to the Farmers Market, and what the supermarket offers is tasteless tomatoes. But I make do.


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