
Friday, October 3, 2008

Pat's Peace Sign...Part 5

This is almost hitting critical mass...not much more to go on but little details like buttonholing the edges of the fused fabrics, and filling in the actual peace symbol just a bit more.

Two of today's additions were inspired by fellow bloggers. I got the idea for the buttonhole wheels over wool from Conni over at The Scoop, Score, and Deal's September 10th post.
The maroon ribbon flowers are a (somewhat feeble) attempt at Marie Alton's loop flowers.

I am liking where the colors are going with this...and also how the 3 D flowers have integrated well with the printed ones.
So far, so good!
Don't you love it when that happens?


  1. The yellow roses are really pretty, Allie. I've tried those loop flowers also, and they're not as easy as they look, are they? Yours look great though! After I'd done mine, I found them in the Anchor SRE book and will consult it next time....or maybe you! Your peace sign is very nice!

  2. Speaking strictly in terms of color, not technique, I love that yellow and green rose at the bottom. Very unexpected. I also like the crunchy looking green pieces. The whole thing is very pretty.

  3. It's such a good show. Thank God I have all this popcorn left...

  4. That's soooooooo pretty!!!


  5. It is coming along nicely - the printed/embellishment flowers do mesh nicely into a cohesive whole.


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