
Monday, May 12, 2008

Spring CQ...Leaves of Green

This is what they call sunshine around here these days!

And this.....

And this....

You can see why I've spent the last week embroidering green, green, and more green onto my Spring CQ.

This is a row of appliqued leaves being buttonhole stitched on. I thought I would be a cleverboots and use applique as a seam treatment...the stem between the leaves will probably be a chain stitch.

Each of the four arcs is getting a variation of the same seam treatments. Once I decide on one, I put it on each arc in a different spot.

Here is the upper left arc.

And here is the upper right one.

Here is an overall shot of the quilt to date. The garden is definitely growing!
I am so glad I decided to assemble this before starting on the embellishment. It is a really fun way to work.
More leaves are coming in the arcs before I venture into the flower zone....


  1. What a beautiful place you live in and its reflected in your work. All the pictures of the landscape in Washington are so beautiful,and you don't really hear about it must be a well kept secret, you only hear of New York and Florida.

  2. I like the applique leaves as a seam treatment. Embellishing after assembly makes it easier to repeat the same treatment in different parts, I would think.

  3. The light in those photos is incredible -- even if it is just a brief glimpse for now. I LOVE the current piece and the seam treatments. You may get me trying out some CQ yet :0).

  4. The photos are incredible! I love seeing the progress on your piece.

  5. The photo's are just beautiful and I love the arch's you're doing.

  6. My last UFO done like you are doing this piece is still haunting me. Maybe you have figured out a better way than I knew at the time-if so, you'll have to share with me because I still need to finish my orange CQ.

  7. so, are the leaves, that you are appliquéing onto the seams, are those the felted leaf "fabric" from the previous post? Did you make that veining pattern?

  8. What a lovely view in your pictures, and just a little ray of sun highlighting the trees.
    You sure can get a lot done in a short amount of time. Great embellishing with the leaves, curious what they are made from too.

  9. Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful! We can literally see the twigs growing on your colorful quilt. So lively.

  10. Allie, I've been to your blog several times today and still can't really put into words how much I love this quilt already. You are going to have a real winner here, m'dear.

  11. As usual the finished quilt will be wonderful, I love all the colours and those leaves - maureen x

  12. I have been back so many times to look at this quilt! The colors just sing and I love being able to watch it progress! I've been struggling along with a single 12" crazy quilt square for a couple of months and the thought of doing something the size of this in this time frame is just daunting to me! You are my hero! Gorgeous, gorgeous work!

  13. This is gorgeous. Can't wait to see it when it is done!


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