
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Spring CQ...Embellishment Underway...Leaves

I thought I could be done with this by July?
Not even.
But that is fine...the slow and steady work suits my must be so!

I have decided to treat all four of my green arcs they will each have a version of the same seams. I started out with just a few simple seam treatment bases, just to get warmed up. But I knew I wanted to applique some leaves right away, so that is what I've done, two different sets for each corner.

The first set was done with fused velvet leaves that were further attached with embroidery "veins". You can just make some of them out in this picture...but what I really want to show here is my temporary hanging strip that I have machine basted onto the top corners of the quilt. I so often hang works-in-progress like this up on my design wall...this will protect the fabric in the quilt so I don't keep pinning through it.
I should have thought of this about ten years ago.....

For my second set of leaves I decided to felt up some fabric to cut the leaves out of, and then attach them just with beads. I've got to keep that Embellisher employed, after all.

For my base I am using some felt that was manufactured out of recycled grocery bags...I bought this felt in Houston last fall, weird stuff but perfect as a base for this applicaiton.
The fibers are soy silk, and the Fiber Flecks you see here are a new product from Kreinik. They just give a hint of glitter.

The finished leaf "fabric"....

There they are in the upper left part of this arc...You can see the whole velvet row of leaves, too. They are just the beginnings of building up the surface texture of this "garden"....This is early, early days yet.....

Down the line I will be able to add more of the other typical goodies like beads....and BUTTONS! My friend KT just sent me my birthday present, and it literally took my breath away. She had been in New York City and stopped by at Tender Buttons, on East 62nd Street...

I can see those MOP butterflies just flitting across my quilt, and the pressed glass buttons as centers of flowers....

Aren't those faces just so sweet and serene?
KT loves animals--and Africa--so there are elephant heads, a giraffe, an adorable little piggie and some sea creatures, too...and an assortment of dragonflies.
I'd rather open a little box from Tender Buttons than from Tiffany's, that's for sure!

KT, you are such a pal....


  1. Velvet leaves... check!
    Embellished fabric leaves... check!

    Oh, sorry, just taking a few notes here for future reference. ;0)

    It's gonna be purty!!

  2. WOW! What beautiful work you do. Makes me want to embellish something.

  3. What a perfect gift for a CQ like you!

    The leaves are great. I love to watch how you grow your quilts!

  4. Hello Allie, Your birthday buttons are "Wonderful"!! I especially love the butterflies. vbg Love the leaves you created with felt with the Fiber Flick in them. They are perfect. Judy

  5. Your idea for temporary hanging strips is genius and especially inportant I think when working with the fancier fabrics. Love what you are doing with the Embellisher. I would love to have an Embellisher, but still haven't had time to scout out a place around here to buy one. Still setting up my two rooms, but should have time soon; we're almost done!

  6. Allie,
    Your BD buttons are so nice...
    Is there any other better gift for a CQ'er? :))

  7. Hallo Allie ,
    Your Art. work is Beautiful !!!,
    Iam interesand you Beautiful Buttons , I gladly for you buttons with people face / little st. -please help me!Iam wait,
    Best wishes,


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