
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

H's 9/11 Painting

My late Uncle Hal, that tough old Marine, could only paint through his tears watching the television on September 11, 2001.
God bless H and all the souls who died that day. case we've forgotten....


  1. He was quite artistic - must run in the family. Thanks for a great reminder.

  2. Oh Allie, I didn't need to see that picture again...or maybe I did. A doco was shown here in NZ the other night, where a journalist was trying to identify the "falling man". I was fine until they found actual footage of his whole decent, and it took so long, and I'm crying again now...
    Stay safe.

  3. There were no words for that terrible day, only pain.

  4. How can I forget - my baby just left to go "over there" again last Friday to root out terrorists so it won't happen again. Prayers are welcomed!

  5. Thank you for reminding us. We should never forgot those souls.

  6. Too much morbo to paint a as great attack as the one that happened the 11 of Sep. in U.S.A.
    So many victims, that but in his lives they never recovered of so lamentable fact.
    Moan its bad idea.

  7. Your Uncle Hal was such a talented man. Thanks for sharing his paintings with us. I hate to remember, but I don't want to forget the horror of that day! And we are still having fatalities from that tragedy today from those who lived and worked nearby or worked on the rescue and demolition.


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