
Sunday, September 9, 2007

Two Quick "Sane" Quilts for Bad King Chad

Since I am in Sane Quilt Mode, sewing strips for hours on the sewing machine, (as opposed to Crazy Quilt Mode, which actually feels much more normal to me)...I thought I would share a couple of my fairly recent bed quilts...
Both of them were made for my son Chad, who didn't like either of them. (I still love him.) I think redheads are particularly Sensitive to Everything. The first quilt had a velvet backing and was "too heavy". The second quilt had a flannel backing and was quilted too closely. "Too hot." He likes his quilts puffy... I'd made him three different tied sane quilts in the past which he loved (especially the PokeyMon one...hee hee). But tied quilts do not stand up to the wear and tear of being wrapped around a boy like a cape and dragged around for months and years. He would get this Dearth Vadar thing going....Those tied quilts lived good, if hard, lives, and each died a somewhat smelly death in shreds on the burn pile.
So I had thought the quilted quilts would hold up better....but alas, no sale....I ended up going to Linens 'N'Things and bought a polyester blue comforter for twenty bucks for Chad which has held up remarkably for five years now.....go figure!

Sorry about the lighting. Here is the first one....OK, so it is velvet on the back and has upholstery fabric in the border. Maybe a little heavy. But those fabrics were so much more interesting than plain ol' cotton!

Ah, don't those Jinny Beyer borders bring back memories?

Again, sorry for the poor lighting. This second try is the one of the last times I ever pieced "blocks" for a sane quilt. Big pieces, too, eh? ;-) It was red and orange to match Chad's hair.

Dang, that upholstery fabric snuck in there again!

One day this quilt will mean much more to him, I am sure. He's a sweetie down deep....

Not to mention highly entertaining and a serious ally on the road of life!


  1. What a nice young man! But what does he know!

    May I compliment you on the beauty of both those quilts! The bouquet of colors is beautiful.

  2. What a cutie! Chad, I mean. But I have to say, he just doesn't have your good taste, does he!?! ;0) Kidding!

    Those quilts are beautiful... the first one is gorgeous but the second one with all the fiery colors really speaks to me.

  3. chad is such a stud!!! I almost didn't recognize him . his face has changed somehow!!difinitley looks older than 17. paul looks like a fuzzy baby next to him!!!

  4. I share your frustration at quilting for sons. Alex has never openly liked any quilt I've made him, and he prefers his solid green $20 quilt to all others. I'm hoping he will eventually grow out of his severe bad taste.

    Your red and orange quilt is especially gorgeous.

  5. I just got back from delivering son to University, leaving him with the promise that one day I would make him a quilt-hope he appreciates it more than Chad has! I'm going make Tom choose the colours, then if he doesn't like it, it will be his fault.
    I loved the colours you chose for you redhead.

  6. It's only after they leave home for a while that they treasure these things - I'm a veteran of that one!! Now it's my grandchildren who are picky (including two little boys with red hair.) Joe still has his college "nite nite" afghan from 1978 - it's in tatters and disgusting, and he threatens divorce if his wife discards it. Just be patient - they do eventually appreciate.

  7. I forgot to say that I love your new picture. Very casual and sophisticated at the same time!

  8. No Bed in a Box at my son's house. If there isn't a quilt around (everywhere), it's not a home! I taught them young that they couldn't sit on the couch without a quilt over their laps. This summer I bought the big stack of them home and washed them all--made me cry with all the memories.

    I sent my red headed boy to his next life wrapped in a quilt.

  9. You are right Allie. It's a medical fact that redheads are more sensitive to everything (light, pain, drugs, etc). They also bleed easier than other people. He's probably the handsomest redhead man I've seen yet! Very cute!
    Oh, I like the quilts too!

  10. Very happy to see you and Chad this morning. And, oh yes, the beautiful quilts, too.

  11. That orange quilt is beautiful, but I can hear my son's voice in the complaints. Who can account for taste.

    But hey! How great to see your picture on your blog.

  12. Beautiful quilts, Allie, love the colors and how you put the different fabrics together so skillfully. Handsome son you have.

  13. And a seriously good looking young man as well. Both of those quilts will mean much more to him later -- right now, let him enjoy his comforter!


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