
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Family Textile Portraits

I've been missing playing with my beads, threads, and fabrics lately! So I decided to do the third in what is becoming a series of family/floral portraits. It has been so nice to look down at my work this week and see my sister's beautiful face smiling up at me!

But first I'll just show the first two portraits, in case new readers haven't seen them. I combine photographs of the portraitee on silk with floral arrangement "frames" that have also been photographed and printed on silk.

Here's my mother's, in progress...

Here is the completed portrait of my sister-in-law's parents. Aren't they sweet? This was a gift for their 60th wedding anniversary.

And this week it was Mary's turn to go under the needle!

The floral print came out a little muddy, so I drew a few highlights on the flowers with my water soluable wax pastels, which when ironed become permanent. I also added that white around the inside of the floral frame.

Fast forward here...I've just added a few embellishments to this piece, not wanting to go overboard. What you see here is the ribbon border, *edit* done in a herringbone stitch, between the flower fabric and its silk jaquard frame, which is sari fabric I found on eBay.

And here she is, my incomparable sister! This has been stretched over foam core, like Marne's cottage portrait was.
I am going to give this to Mary's daughter Qwen, who turns 6 today, for her birthday.
Every girl should always have their mother smiling at them, don't you think?


  1. These portraits are so special--they're bound to be cherished. The ribbon border on your sister's is particularly beautiful. I don't know that stitch.

  2. These floral-framed portraits are just wonderful, very sweet. So, you prepared all those pears for freezing and still had time to finish this portrait. Wow! It's all beautiful, but I especially like the silk ribbon herringbone stitch. What a dramatic effect you achieved with it. Nice and plump.

  3. What a lucky young lady Qwen is to have such a loving auntie nd a beautiful Mom! The entire frame is lovely and I really like the puffy ribbon stitching Allie. I'm sure Qwen will treasure this for a lifetime and the older she gets, the more this gift will mean to her. I hope her Mom smiles on her for many long years to come!

  4. Lovely to meet your family and share your skill and your joy too. I like that sari fabric-its the colour scheme I am working with at the moment too.

  5. Beautiful. Hmmmm. I may be a convert yet to this art - I have a wonderful picture of my parents in 1944, right before he went to the south Pacific in the Invasion Fleet. He was in dress whites - beautiful picture, it is. My son would love it.

  6. Wow, your sister looks a lot like you! I love your portraits. Your work is always exquisite!

  7. These are so cool... so individual!

  8. What a wonderful way to present the people you love!! I imagine Owen will appreciate Mom all the more since Auntie Allie made this for her. Yes, they do deserve smiles - and this is a great one!!

  9. These portraits are spectacular -- thanks for sharing!

  10. That frame is so perfect with your sister's beautiful smiling face.

  11. Allie,

    This is absolutely gorgeous.
    Evertime I visit your blog I want to embellish, embellish, embellish. Your work inspires me.
    I love the the flowers and those sequin type leaves. Love that.

    You have a great sense of color which really comes through in your work.

    P.S.....Oh, please allow comments from non- Blogger blogs. So I can comment more often.


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