
Sunday, March 4, 2007

Spring IS Coming....

Oh!!! It stopped raining this week-end! I ventured outside to discover the violets going full bore without me...And the first miniature daffodils had popped open too.
I post these for all of you back East who are still under a bit of the frozen stuff....spring IS on its way. Hallelujah!

I wish you all could smell these....

These are about to burst open...

It is still plenty snowy if you live up high enough, though...


  1. Now you need to use the daffodil picture for a TAST practice!! I will look forward to it. What a peaceful place to live and be inspired!!

  2. Oh I am sooo ready. So far I just have to admire my daffodil fabric. I'm going to go check to see if my violets are starting to grow yet.

  3. What I wouldn't give for just one whiff of those violets. We just had 15" of snow in addition to the 12" we had 2 weeks ago. There is so much snow here all you can see is white! I'm tired of winter and just want to see something green growing out of the ground again. Enjoy the wonderful spring days!

  4. Oh, that flower picture is just gorgeous. It's wonderfully warm here, and I've seen a few of the trees bursting into bloom - haven't seen a redbud yet, but we might be too far west for that still. The birds are singing up a storm, though!

  5. I love your violets...=-) For some reason everyone's violets around here died out a couple of years ago...I mean completely died out and in various parts of the county not just my yard...and I really miss them...they are so evocative of times past and old fashioned things...they remind me of my mom... and they smell so sweet...Thanks for sharing the photo!

  6. Allie... when those daffy-down-dillies are in full bloom, would you post a picture... please? I love daffodils and they don't grown in great swaths down here and I miss them!



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