
Monday, March 5, 2007

Fan Quilt Progress

It may be a little hard to see the additions with an overall view like this.
I'm adding my initial seam treatments in batches...I've realized that I need to repeat the embellishments by using them around this center section. So I have squiggles and fans etc that will balance each other out as the eye moves around the quilt.
As I go along I expect things to get progressively more complex, and that this is just early days still. But I have gotten a feel for how the work should flow....finally!

So here are some primary squiggles and a little lace...

That fan thing again...sort of...

And sometimes I find I don't want to emphasize the line, so I use colors that blend in rather than stand out...

I am trying so hard not to go too heavy on the beads. I really want the stitching to predominate. I wonder how long I'll be able to hold out!


  1. Are you getting my brain vibes? I am planning a bead shopping expedition tomorrow, and was sitting here making my list. It is looking so fine - I like being able to see the little "AA" decoration on the right side, and the different parts as a whole. They are starting to move together.

  2. I like the details you showed. I hadn't thought before about wanting to blend rather than stand out. I'll have to give that some thought!

    Ah, beads, lovely beads. You know, I noticed that most of the original Victorian CQ that come to my attention don't have beads, and only a little lace, lots stitching and embroidery motifs, except for the rare different one.

  3. I'm really digging the movement that the ric-rac and the "squiggly" lines are adding to the piece. I can see the direction that you're heading in and I LIKE it. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Is it ribbon you're using for the heavy lines, or a thick fiber? It's lovely--I'm always amazed by how you keep frosting the cake, guilding the lily, etc!

  5. You are a beadlust gal at heart, aren't you!???!!! As in, how could there be too many beads???? OK, just kidding... your stitches are lovely too. This quilt is fun and I'm having fun watching your progress!

  6. I love to overall photos and how they reveal the transformation that you have underway. I love the movement that is now coming into this quilt with the last few steps.

  7. That section with the blend in seam embellishment is so elegant. Wonderful greens and browns beside the brighter colors.

  8. Another mind-blowing effort, Allie. I love watching this piece as it progresses, seeing the intricacy unfold.

  9. Fan-tastic! (I know a little corny. . )

    I have noticed some of those 100 Details too. Good thing you did the practice stitches. They helped expand your resume of stitches.

  10. It is so great to see the quilt progress after watching the arduous labor pains at John C. Campbell. You really are a true AR-TEEST! I think if you were in Victorian times you would be the one to beat..LOL! The other ladies would be horribly jealous!


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