
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

More Border Blocks

Marching right along here. These blocks are along the bottom edge of the quilt. I did these at Point Bonita.


  1. I really like the continuity of the fans! Good job! ~~and thanks, as I have been waiting all day for this. They are beautiful - each one as an individual piece. I'm sure they will all work together too when all done.

  2. Y'know... I really should have towels on hand to wipe off the keyboard after I'm done looking at your posts. I'll have to remember that. ;0)

  3. OOOOOOOOH! These are extraordinary in and of themselves! I've already added the last three images from your post to my screen saver slide show... just for my viewing pleasure! YUMMMMMMMM! Happy Valentine's Day! Hugs, R

  4. Love those fans, I like the little basket-weave thing there. You just keep knockin' our socks off!

  5. That green patch with the embellished button is my favorite

  6. Ooh, I love that fan in the last one. Great job, Allie.


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