
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

From My Swap Sister in Belgium!

How I do love the Web. I belong to a Yahoo group of international CQ swappers...I have a lovely and wonderful Swap Sister in Belgium, Elizabeth, whose "squishie" (def: "a plastic bag filled with crazy quilt finery") arrived today in my mailbox.
She knows I am into landscapes, and sent me such gentle, earthy materials to work with..beautiful and interesting woven silks and linen-looking fabrics...and shell she sent some interesting info about where she lives in Belgium which I intend to read with relish this evening...
Thank you, Elizabeth! I think we needleworking women are the True Agents of World Peace!


  1. Isn't it wonderful to have this network of friends from around the world?

    You CQ blocks are beauties, as always.

    Have I mentioned how good it is to have you back in business? I missed you!

  2. I love that you got all that wonderful information about Belgium. I am always interested in other places, and how things work.

    The fabrics she sent look marvelous!

  3. I'm happy they arrived safe and sound and that you love them!

  4. Oooh, yummy yummy. I agree, it's a wonderful world.

  5. If only we could get the male population of the world doing needlework we might have peace. My daughter loved Belgium - lived there for a year, and was hooked on the lace industry. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the contents of the "squishie."

  6. It's always fun to get supplies from someone else. They seem to pick items you might never pick and then when you work with them, they have such opportunities.

    The Internet has made the world so much smaller.


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