
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Sewing for Publication

It is such an honor to be published, to think that people are interested in what comes out of my sewing room!
The hard part is that while I'm working on a project that is meant for future publication, I can't write about it.

But I just have to give a sneak peek:

My friend Michele Muska is writing a very interesting quilt book for Sixth and Spring books.  I am so excited to be contributing to it!  But you will have to wait for awhile to see the whole thing...

My book with Valerie Bothell is in it's final editing stages before it goes into production, to be released sometime in the Spring of 2014.  Val and I have loved working with C & T Publishing and the fabulous team of editors who have shepherded us along the way, and we are all very proud of our collaboration.  We hope you will enjoy it, and sure wish we could talk about it...

Here is just one little teeny weeny sneak peek from our book...hope I don't get into trouble here!

You won't believe the backstory on this one...

When Michele's quilt is done (which will be soon), I'll be doing some personal sewing for the family. I look forward to blogging about the couch quilt for Chad, who is moving into his own apartment, and the baby quilt for my niece's son, Noah. I'll be putting that Sweet 16 to great use!

Here's the quilt that is inspiring my manly son's quilt.  It is owned by Laura Fisher Quilts; I saw it on the Quilts-Vintage and Antique page on Facebook.  (Lots of amazing quilts float by on that group page.)

He wants his colors to be very bright, so it will look different than this one, of course.  But the graphic layout of the design is perfect for him.
I'll get started on it soon...see you then.


  1. Oooh-weee, Allie, I really like the looks of that night-sky piece! Tantalizing!

  2. I have just discovered your work and I love, love, love it! Is your book suitable for someone like me, who has sewing skills but has never made a quilt before? If not, can you recommend a good cq book for beginners?

  3. Tea Rose, thank you! Perhaps you would like to take my Craftsy class. My book is included with it as an ebook...and the class is especially for beginners like yourself...So go back to my blog's home page and click on the Craftsy icon in the upper right corner. It will take you to the class page and you can check it out. ;-)

  4. Thank you! I will look into the class. I am an old fuddy-duddy and prefer paper books, but my Nook is starting to convert me.

  5. I can't figure out the "sneak peak"...hmmmmmm???


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