
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Broderie Perse CQ....Progress

July was spent traveling!
I have gotten it down, how to stitch while jammed in a middle seat on an airplane between two perfect strangers.

It's a matter of having all your threads in one plastic bag, and your tools in another, both on your lap with the stitching on the tray table.  Sharon Boggon's CQ stencils have been invaluable.
My Broderie Perse CQ has been the project of the summer.

I've actually gotten a fair amount done.
The stitching is very simple, almost spare.  This quilt has so many elements and is so busy already that the stitching has to play a supporting role, not a starring one.

I've been wondering how the heck I am going to quilt this.  I suppose I could tie it from the back.  This is going to be a functional bed quilt, so maybe it can be more like a comforter, with really nice puffy batting.   That could work!

Here is the whole quilt pinned up on the design wall.
I'm going to have to take it down for a few weeks though.  My dear friend Michele Muska is writing a book, and has asked me to contribute a project to it.
I won't be able to post about it, but here is my jumping off point.

You just know it's going to be a blast, working with these colors.

See you in a few weeks...and Happy August!


  1. Ooh, I have a quilting idea for you! I saw the most beautiful quilts at the North Carolina Quilt Symposium in April, by Anne Francis, and instead of traditional quilting she covered her quilts with hundreds (thousands?) of hand-stitched French knots on the front of her quilt. I posted pictures here: In Anne's quilt, the French knots give the effect of snowflakes in white thread against a deep blue background, but on your quilt I think it might be a nice complement to all of your beautiful hand embroidery and you could match your knots to your backgrounds or do them in a pale pink to keep them subtle. Oh, and by the way, I seriously envy the passengers on that plane who got to watch you stitch your magic in the sky. They should have to hold your supplies for you, and there ought to be a surcharge for those seats! :-)

  2. Great idea, Rebecca Grace! Thanks so much!

  3. Loving this quilt! The outer border just makes it sing and I love those Grandmother's Flower Garden blocks peeking out from the CQ portion!

    It might look good tied with yarn to match the background, adding a tufted texture across the surface, but I like the idea of french knots too. I could also see this with a traditional quilted border and the darker hexagons around the center floral and the white portions tied from the back.

    Regardless, it's just gorgeous!

  4. Hey Allie,
    I could see small buttons tied on, with the tie ends on the back side. Tiny buttons wouldn't add much weight, and it would kind of fancy up the ties.

    And I'd recommend a thick, fluffy wool batting. It would be like sleeping under a cloud.

  5. Can't wait to see what you come up with and those gorgeous colors! Love the quilt also. However you finish it, it will be wonderful.

  6. All those colors! Wonderful... it's like Spring and Summer all rolled into one! Have fun! Looking forward to seeing what you've done when finished!


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