
Monday, June 3, 2013

Broderie Perse Meets Crazy...Background Pieced

Well, it is mostly pieced!
But you can see what I am aiming for here...

Those white background fabrics will go all the way to the hexie frame, so it will look like it is on a whole cloth background.
I'll be hand embroidering the seams over the next many's such a luxury to be able to spend so much time with one quilt again!


  1. Wow, this is coming together beautifully. I think it's my favorite one to date! Of course, I think that every time you do a quilt, hehe. You should add a subtitle to its name: Broderie Perse Meets Crazy . . . Along the Hexie Highway. LOL. So glad you are stitching and posting lots again! Hugs, Cathy

  2. And nice that you can show it to us, too! I'm looking forward to the updates. :)

  3. It is so amazing, to me the incongruous elements you fearlessly put together to create such beautiful quilts. As my grandchildren would say: Awesome..Sweet...!!

  4. I find it so interesting the fabrics you put together....things I would think would not work, sing with your touch. I really like the idea of really 3 different techniques all living together in harmony.


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