
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Broderie Perse Meets Crazy Quilt...Progress

The rainiest May in years has yielded me extra time to work on this project.  And I am falling in love with it....I think I have always wanted to make this quilt!

A rainy day, the ballgame on my fancy new flatscreen TV, Facebook on my computer, crazy piecing on my table...I'm a happy girl.  (I see so many great quilts on Facebook.  I love it.)

As I've looked at this quilt on the wall I realized that the Broderie Perse floral arrangement needed a little tweaking.

Can you spot where I've pinned on a few more elements?  They are mostly to fill out the overall shape of the bouquet, make it a bit more balanced.

Once those hexies were appliqued on, it was time to start piecing the background area.  I don't want to distract or compete with the center focal point of the quilt, so decided to use basically all white fabrics.
Or maybe I've been influenced by all the Modern quilts I've been seeing lately: lots of white!

One of the biggest joys of crazy quilting, to me, is the way we can juxtapose so many different fabrics.  This little section has hankies, vintage and reproduction shirting, metallic silk brocade, a scrap from a '40's farmer's dress, cross stitch fragments, quilters' cotton, '70's lace edging, burlap; I get such a kick out of it.  There are pattern and a few glints of color, but in the end, this will read as white.

That piecing will extend right to the hexie border, so the background will (hopefully) be seen as whole cloth.  Going to start in on the long sides today...


  1. Loving the white pieced background on this! Going to be lovely!

  2. So fun to read your blog again! I love to see what you're working on!!

  3. I really like it! You're combining some of my favorite things - flowers, broderie perse, hexagons and crazy quilting! Are you going to be stitching on the crazy quilt seams and if yes, do you plan to do it in color or neutrals?

  4. Thank you, Mayleen!
    I do plan on stitching in the seams, and the colors will be taken from the Broderie Perse bouquet in the center. It's going to be my summer handwork project...can't wait to begin it!

  5. This quilt will be spectacular! Wow!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  6. I just got your book and love it. Am looking for the Dream- a-Seam Templates but having a hard time finding them. Any suggestions?


  7. This is such an amazing combination of elements.
    Thank good ness for a rainy May!

  8. I love your project. It is absolutely beautiful and a bit timeless. You have the perfect set up with a game playing on the TV and Facebook on your computer. I am surprised that you can keep your attention on the quilt. I love it.

    Please visit My Webblog


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