
Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Project: Carole's Heart

One of the highlights of my time at the Victorian Stitchery Retreat in Wichita last fall was spending time with Carole Samples.  Most crazy quilters are familiar with her book, Treasury of Crazy Quilt Stitches, one of the "bibles" of our craft. Far fewer of us have had the privilege of hearing her lecture, taking a class from her, or just hanging out enjoying her delightful conversation.  I felt so lucky!

My friend Val Bothell, organizer of the retreat, and I were inspired by her block designs in a challenge we issued to each other: let's see how original our individual "takes" on working up the same block can be!  Crazy quilting obviously has room for many, many interpretations....You can fview Val's take on Carole's heart on her blog here.

As always, I LOVE pulling fabrics at the beginning of a new piecing project.

I decided I couldn't do just one heart, you see, so have had a blast over the last week making several of them:

They all will finish out at about 14" X 14 1/2".
I still very much have plaid on the brain. There are the blue ones...

....and the green ones....

...and the brown ones...

...and one white one.

Altogether up on the design wall they look like this:

I definitely scratched my piecing itch this for the fun of embellishment!


  1. love the look of all these heart blocks together! Looking forward to watching the embellishment!

  2. Cool! Love it! Beautiful as always!

  3. The brown ones are my looks so rich.. maybe the blue one then but then I love them all... Gerry Krueger

  4. I love all of your heart blocks and can't wait to see how you'll embelish them. Are you bringing lots of examples of your work to Empty Spools? I can't wait to see you there. I signed up for an applique and embroidery class.

  5. The heart motif is my favorite motif of all! I'll enjoy this idea too!

  6. Beautiful, the heart shape is one of my favorite shapes.

  7. You have definitely started another 'winner'!! It's already beautiful. I can hardly wait to see your stitching/embellishment.

  8. Sure to be another masterpiece Allie!

  9. Your a gal after my own "heart".... lol... I love hearts! Loving the challenge too.. you and your friend have done a wonderful job. I can't wait to see how you finish them.

  10. Fabulous new Piece!!! Can't wait To see it evolve!!!!

  11. What a fun looking project. The piecing is wonderful.

  12. I always enjoy following the progress through your projects and the way you blend colors through fabric and embellishment is just magical.

  13. Tis the season...we are doing crazy quilt hearts in club next month. Think I will have to start mine early or like you make a few!

  14. It's always exciting to see what you come up with - for sure this one is going to be a real beauty!

  15. I love anything with hearts, Allie. You are so good a curved piecing! This is going to be spectacular. Are you snowed in too? It's crazy up our way! Oh, and 'Go Crazy' looks terrific! That black rick rack was the perfect finishing touch.

  16. Allie: These are absolutely beautiful. All I can say is "WOW" and I love your color combinations.

  17. Your work is beautiful. Some of the sources you posted are wholesale. Where can an amateur purchase good quality laces and trims?

  18. ciao! è stupendo!
    si può aver il pattern del cuore???
    vorrei anch'io cimentarmi sul crazy per utilizzare tutt el stoffe che ho!!!sopratutto quelle di tappezzeria!!! ti aspetto


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