
Friday, January 6, 2012

Go Crazy....Finished!

Thanks, everyone, for all your sweet comments on my last post!

I have loved making this quilt and am sad to see it end.  All that blue herringbone stitching on the blocks accompanied me through the entire year of 2011--on airplanes, while Skypeing, when visiting family--this was the perfect work for those snipets of time when I wanted to be stitching but couldn't think too much about it or bring a whole bunch of stash and tools along.

And the way it all finally came together was really fun, too.

I decided to use the same orange melton wool for the binding as is on the back of the quilt, but wanted to "frame" the outer edge in black as well.  The wide black rick rack was my solution.  It's zig zag shape mimics the herringbone, too.

It was yummy stitching through the wool binding, getting the rick rack on.

I'm going to have to find another one-block quilt, so I can do this again!


  1. It is lovely. Love how the pattern plays with eyes.

  2. Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love it! I really do. This one sings to me.

  3. this is a beautiful quilt. I just love it. Is there wool on the front as well as the back.. Maybe the black with the buttons is wool?? Good job!! I drop in to see your blog from time to time so am not a "regular" and rarely leave comments, but could not just look at this one!!

  4. What a gift to come by here tonight and see this quilt finished. I'm with Vicki. A million loves for this one!

    And the mulitcolored buttons on the back, the two different sizes on the front...and THEN...the rickrack...Which is PERFECT. Can I just say that? ABsolutely perfect choices all along the way.

    Happy Beautiful New Year to you and the boys...xo Susan

  5. So beautiful! I love the way the colors and patterns play and pop!

  6. Everything about this quilt is just wonderful....a treasure to be sure. You did a terrific job.

  7. Well done, Fair Lady. What a nice touch the rickrack is. You always seem to know what to put together and when something is done! Not too much, just right.



  8. Beautiful job! Your use of that rick rack in the border is brilliant.

  9. this is absolutely gorgeous!!! but then...your work always is :) LOVE it!!!

  10. Hi Allie

    the binding with the rick rack looks great. What a wonderful snuggle quilt.



  11. I love the boldness. Wow! What power!

  12. allie, it's SO BEAUTIFUL! i'm inspired by your work. i haven't been here in a while, so was pleased to see the link to the original post too. thank you for sharing.

  13. This is a really fabulous quilt!!! Is the top wool also? I remember visiting the Pendleton store with my grandmother probably 50 years ago. I'm glad to know it's still there. I'll have to make a point to go and visit again. Thank you for the inspiration!

  14. Saw this quilt on Barbara Brackman's blog. It is wonderful.


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