
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mark's Quilts....Madison's

This quilt is laid out and pinned, and in the process of being hand basted.  I've decided that instead of going over my basting with machine zigzag, I will leave my own stitches in place and skip the unnecessary machine step.  So I'm doing a more detailed job with the basting.

These quilts will all be quite heavily machine quilted, which is something I haven't done in awhile.
In order to get up to speed, I'll be attending an all day machine quilting class with David Taylor at the Machine Quilters Exposition, which happens to be in Portland this week.
I'm excited!

We were instructed to bring a quilt sandwich to class--either a top, or just plain muslin.  I have lots of different scenarios in which I might want to try new ways of machine quiltwork, so my sample looks like this:

I have an extra running figure from Mark's shirts.  I'm so glad I can practice on this before going to work on the quilts!  The quilt block above it will give me a chance to play with quilting on a crazy quilt block--something I have resisted for years.  The printed landscape photograph will give me a chance to use quilting as thread painting over imagery, something I'm sort of intruiged by.  The four block "X" is from my ongoing
"Go Crazy" project that I started last fall.  And finally, May the cat on the doily is another new situation for machine quilting.
I hope to have this sample filled by the end of class on Thursday.  I'll show you what happens!


  1. Looks like you are prepared for some real fun!

  2. I love the idea of leaving your own hand basting in these quilts- another layer of you and your connections to Mark and the girls- LOVELY IDEA!!! Can't wait to see what you do with your stitching and your wonderful sampler sandwich!

  3. I can't wait. I love this. :)



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