
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Embellishment Class

In February we had a day of piecing, then in March we covered basic embroidery, and a month after that (which was yesterday) my seven students and I spent a day exploring silk ribbon embroidery. We also tried out some embellishment techniques.
I'm so proud of how well they all did!

Because this was a techniques-oriented class series, they did not walk away with finished projects. My goal was to give them the "building blocks" of basic stitches and familiarity with some new materials to work with on their own when our classes were done. So after piecing blocks during the first class, we made samplers for the second two classes. But a few students got pretty far with the 4-block project I had suggested they do.....

Valarie completed all four blocks using the curved piecing method she learned, and put her embroidery skills to use right away.

Gloria is understandably happy with her four block square.

Lisa showed us how she organizes her crazy quilt project to be efficiently portable. She has pulled the supplies she wants to work with and photographed them placed over the seams she will embroider with them.

She says this eliminates the distraction of too much choice, though of course she can change her mind along the way.

She brings the print-out of the photo with her so that when she catches an hour's stitching time during her lunch break at work, she can get right with it. Very clever, Lisa!

Joyce is a consummate weaver, but she has wanted to learn embroidery for crazy quilting and she bravely dove right in. Here is her sampler from yesterday:

That herringbone was giving her fits at first but she got it in the end.
As a teacher introducing SRE to first time students, I was very concerned that they learn how to keep the ribbon flat and untwisted as they made their stitches. Hopefully, that will stay with them!

Marge's sampler will hopefully remind her of some of the choices she has for using the fun supplies that are available to us all these days.... this Glitter Hologram thread from Superior that Lisa was showing Marlys.

I am really enjoying teaching. What they say is true: you learn so much from your students, and quilters are the nicest people in the world.

Thank you so much, ladies!!!!


  1. It looks like a great time and everyone is benefiting from the time together!

  2. Good work, Allie! I am sure all your ladies had a wonderful time!

  3. Everyone must have had fun. What a clever idea to photograph the embellishments on the block.

  4. Allie you must have done some great teaching for them to get that far. They all did a great job in their piecing.

    The first gal went really gung ho with embroidery and all.

    I bet you enjoyed thi as much as they did.



  5. Thank you for turning more enthusiasts to the "crazy" side. CQ is such a fun art and it's good to see it grow!

  6. I'm a firm believer in teaching technique and encouraging them to create their own projects - rather than having a class where each piece is a carbon copy of the teacher's. I always learned more than I taught, I think, and it was lots of fun. good job here!!!! I know your students were delighted.

  7. Your students' work is beautiful! I'm sure they were inspired by your teaching.


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