
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Cotton CQ Finished and Vintage CQ Tweaked

I NEVER work on two projects at least, I haven't before this spring, as I keep playing hooky from the Vintage CQ. It has been languishing on my design wall and is starting to stare me down!

So after completing the center of my Cotton CQ and allowing a few more butterflies to land on it, I spent some time adding "bits" to the Vintage CQ....mostly trims, colored lace, and a few lace motifs as well. I'll get stitching on it again this week while I'm off on a little road trip.

Here's how the center of the Cotton CQ came out. I didn't add much, just enough to give it a little dimension.

I so love doing these...

Here's the whole thing:

Do you think if I produced a pattern for this kind of thing that people would buy it?
There is so much potential with this approach....


The Vintage CQ as of a month ago is on the top, and as of this morning is on the bottom.
I suppose you might have a little trouble seeing the differences unless you click on them both and put them side by side on your computer screen, but there are actually quite a few additions (and I did unpin the black ribbon around the center section in the bottom photo, as it kept getting in the way, but it will return).

This stage in a long term crazy quilt project always feels like I'm focusing a camera, or concentrating a sauce. The quilt is just gradually and more sharply defining itself.

See you in a week!


  1. I've studied this vintage quilt quite closely and am certain that it would fit perfectly on my bed!!!

    I can't just work on one project at a time as I just grind to a halt.. I need at least 3-4 things going at once...that's why I'm so slow...right????

    The cotton quilt is just "happy and zippy!!! Enjoy your road trip! Gerry K.

  2. Big projects do develop very slowly. That's the benefit of these little crazy quilts: a quicker finish makes the process more manageable. I think having one big and one small project (minimum of course) is a good combination. The small project helps to avoid the desperation of only working on a project that takes a long time.

  3. I'd like to see you develop a pattern for that type of CQ. I think it would go over well. Your flower embellishments are so fantastic!

  4. Love the center of the cotton CQ, Allie. Although I'm not big on kits, I do think this would make a good kit, especially for someone who wants to dip their toes in the CQ waters (and likes bright colors!). If you do make kits, I would do it with a couple of different sets of fabrics, one this lovely bright mix and one a softer, calmer mix. Have fun!!

  5. Beautiful as always. I love how the center block seems to be a lighter version of the border colors.

  6. I should have known! I go away for one week and you've already tried something new and whipped out another quilt...and now you're gone again!

    Well, first of all, I thought I would see gardening pictures but I wasn't disappointed with the one of your valley.

    And I think your foray into a cotton CQ is a garden of absolute delight...I really like the deeper border contrasted with the bright center...and all of that ribbon embroidery on the center was just the thing!

    I'm not even going to comment on working on one project at a time...we both know I will never be in that club. Hope you have a great trip and we'll catch up when you get back. xoxo Susan

  7. Very compliments
    your blog's very beautiful
    i'll come to visit you
    xoxo SAndra

  8. Oh, I know many people who would love to buy a pattern for a quilt like that. It's gorgeous!

  9. Allie,
    I just happened to stumble across the shop where you plan to teach this class while on the mainland for Easter. I'm trying to arrange my trips so I'll be there to take the class.
    I think a pattern or kit for any type of CQ project would be a great way to introduce people to the fun and love of crazy quilting.
    Shel on Maui

  10. It's gorgeous!

    I just realized these feeds were older. No wonder I had to wait only seconds! :^D


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