
Monday, February 8, 2010

New Colors from Point Bonita

Every year at Point Bonita there are two events that bring all of us out of our studios to the main gathering room: the Bazaar, where anyone can bring their wares to sell, and the Silent Auction, where people donate quilt-related items that are auctioned off for the charity of the buyer's choice.

The bidding at the auction can get quite intense. Ladies hovered over the bid cards and blatantly crossed off each others bids, smiling ferociously at their rivals as the time left was called out: "One minute remaining!" "30 seconds remaining!" I was in such a bidding war for a huge and luscious pile of silk samples...and lost, alas! But when there were but 15 seconds to go I gave up, scooted across the room to another table, and put my winning bid on these incredible wool shawl ends covered with exquisite tambour work. (Here's a great link to see how tambour work is done.)

This is high quality wool, and a most satisfying consolation prize for losing out on those silks.

At the Bazaar my old friend Vicki Day had some ravishing hand-dyed felted wool for sale, so I bought a nice palette-full.

This is just ultra-wonderful and I know I'll be using it a lot.

More color! I took a painting workshop with Lynn Koolish, who was demonstrating some possibilities of the Liquitex paints C & T is selling to the quilt shops this year.
I wasn't interested in painting on fabrics, but I did try it out on some lace and trim.

That little sheet is Lutrador...I think I'll be able to cut some nice flower petals out of it.

Being in the creative atmosphere of Point Bonita inspired me to step way out of character and paint a shirt too. Well, actually I used the shirt as the background for when I was painting the lace....

I do find the cuff details quite fetching.
My husband says it looks like someone was riding a motorcycle and ran into a South American parrot.
I haven't had the courage to try it on yet!

Some of the wool and painted lace found its way into the project I worked on all week. It is a floral framed portrait of my beautiful niece, Amaleah.

"Amaleah: Welcome Home" 18" X 18"

It was so great looking down at that wonderful smile all week as I stitched. I used a vintage quilt block as my background.

Here is a detail shot:

There is a painted lace leaf along the bottom, and a four-petaled purple wool flower along the left side, with the blue flower bead in its center. (I learned that flower from Conni Jenkins here.) The embroidered leaves are of Vicki's wool as well.
There are several needlepunch ribbon flowers on this piece, and gathered lace flowers too.

What a great week it was.....


  1. Great blog Allie, I love the square you did. So pretty! Reen

  2. Great stuff Allie!

    What a beautiful tribute to your beautiful niece!Anoter stunning piece!

  3. Just gorgeous - both niece and quilt! And I knew you'd do something wonderful with that flower!

  4. Welcome back Allie. Boy you really scored with those scarves. And I can almost see the parrots in your painted shirt. It's nice to be able to wear some of your memories of the retreat.

  5. I'm all a-swoon over that pile of embroidered wool!

    And your latest flower girl is truly a star in your flower show. I liked the traditional quilt pattern under her? And all the other floral lovelies that decided to show their pretty faces too. Just by looking at this piece, I can tell you had a great time!

    As for the shirt, I think you should add the words "Don't Drink and Dye" and then it's perfect!

  6. Wow, what a beautiful piece you did, doubly so because of your niece! Love all your bright colors - and tell Robert he's a comedian. I nearly snorted up my Diet Dr. Pepper as I was reading his comment about the parrot! And now I know what I can do with my vintage quilt pieces - as always, you're not only gorgeously creative, but innovative as well! Hugs, Cat

  7. Sounds like a you had a wonderful time! The color and inspiration must have been amazing. Tambour beading is on my list of "things to try one of these days".

    The colors on your neice's piece must have been glorious to work with!

  8. Nice work, Allie. I'll bet you could spiff up that shirt with some of your magic and make it wearable. Sounds like you had a great time.

  9. What an idea from Judy S.!!! You should do that. I have disgusting T-shirts (my children say - it's the eye of the beholder) that I wear when painting, and wipe my paint brushes on them. Jeans also. Someone tried to buy them right off my body at the super market more than once. I like that traditional quilt pattern among all the flowers - nice touch to anchor it.

  10. wow, those are such beutiful colors! A real color explosing actually! wonderful!

  11. Allie your niece is just going to love this. She is a beautiful girl and it is a tribute to you to make something so beautiful to go with her.

    You are "The Queen".

    How about flowers down the sleeves.

    You shame me with those punched flowers. I haven't even tried one since you sent it back. I am busy beading corners.



  12. Oh, it all sounds like so much fun! I do love what your husband said about the parrot.

  13. Love your posts Allie... so full of life. Geez, your whole family is so photogenic... beautiful people...
    Makes me think of this...

    I LOVE it, my friend!

  14. I love your portrait, and your husband's sense of humor. I definitely see his point. LOL Wear it! It's great!


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