
Monday, February 15, 2010

Crazy Block Construction Class

Quilt class! I had the pleasure of teaching 7 ladies a few different ways to construct a crazy pieced (or appliqued) block at an all day class on Saturday.

A most energetic woman, Lisa Encabo, spearheaded and organized the entire event. It was the first of three all-day classes on crazy quilting that we will have together, the next one to be held in March, and then once more in mid-April. The plan is that students will have time to do "homework" between classes. I want four blocks by next class!

In March we will tackle seam embroidery, and then in April, 3-D embellished flowers.
All is taking place in a lovely home in the country, 25 minutes from me.

Here is the sassy Lisa coming down the homestretch on her first block.
She teaches advanced and intricate paper piecing at the quilt shop where she works, so my fast, loose, and somewhat improvisational method was alien territory for her I think.
A paper-pieced Broken Star quilt would be no problem for her, however! She did great with this, though.

We spread out in our hostess Gloria's home, and my seven students worked hard all day.

They all brought a lot of skill to the table and it was fascinating for me to watch them work. I feel like I've gained a new circle of friends and can't wait to stitch with them again in March.

And speaking of blocks...
...I am fortunate to be part of an online group that creates a crazy quilt each year to be donated to a hospital that treats breast cancer patients. This is our fifth year together! Stephanie Novatski designed this year's block and will be the one to assemble the quilt.
I pieced mine last night.

The color scheme this year is "jewel tones" and this obviously isn't there...yet. I plan on having my embellishments be eye-poppers and thought this slightly subdued background would be the way to show them off.

To view the other blocks underway and already completed, look here on Barbara Blankenship's Flickr site. There are some dazzlers!


  1. My favorite colors on that fan! I look forward to watching.

  2. What fun! Gotta love pretty Lisa!

  3. Interesting variety on those blocks!

    The hospital where the finished CQ will hang is not very far from where I live.

  4. Hi Allie

    What fun to be in a group like that. We will be adding 7 more cq people after this course.

    Deb. S. has me making pillowcases for the troops.Have 5 sewn and 6 more halfway. That girl's name should be Good Causes.



  5. Looks like the class was lots of fun! Love how your block is progressing. they look like jewel tones to me!

  6. Those blocks look great -- they each had some personality too which was cool.

    I like the idea of spreading the classes out like that -- how nice to be only 25 mins from home!

    I remember the hospital quilt very well. It was your Courage block many years ago that I found on flickr that led me to you...and the rest is history. I have no doubt that your new block will be even more gorgeous because now I know you. *smile

  7. Love those colors, Allie. Also love the idea of those classes... I only have a year to wait for mine! ;0)


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