
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Live by the Sun, Love by the Moon...Epilogue

Andy has returned from visiting his girl Caylie back East. He presented her with his gift, the wall hanging he commissioned from me, and I do believe it had the desired effect. :-)

There is no better medium for conveying love than quilts...this we know!!!!

I received this remarkable letter and picture this morning, and am so happy to share it with you who have followed this tender tale.....

Aunt Allie,

It’s nice to meet the creator of my amazing Christmas present! My name is Caylie and I am your nephew Andy’s girl, as well as the recipient of your beautiful artwork. I’ve had the gift for a few days now and I still smile every time I look at it hanging on my wall. It has definitely been the most thoughtful and special gift I have ever received. Andy is, by far, the most thoughtful, sweet, and genuine person I have ever met. You are very lucky to have him as a part of your family. I only wish I had met him sooner. His ideas for this were perfect. He knew how much I love watching the moonsets over the ocean with him. And he even incorporated one of my favorite quotes “Live by the by the moon” into it. Perfect, perfect, perfect! Between his perfect ideas for the art and your creative hands, it’s the greatest gift ever....

And the fact that you blogged about making my gift made the story behind the art so much cooler! You had so many people excited about the progress on your work and so many others excited for Andy and I. And Andy definitely scored “major points” with this gift! I don’t think he will be able to top this one!

I noticed that there were many followers to your blogs that were eager to hear what I thought of it too. So if you want, feel free to post my letter and picture on your website.

I hope someday when I’m out on the west coast we can meet and I can thank you in person!

Thank you so much Aunt Allie!!


Caylie my dear, you are most welcome!
May you and Andy watch many, many more moonsets together....
Aunt Allie


  1. Ohhh, sniff, that is sooo sweet. And Caylie is so pretty.
    As she will probably read this - I wish you and Andy all the happiness in the world and what a beautiful way to start your journey together.
    May you always enjoy watching the moonsets over the ocean xx
    Shell x

  2. Beautiful! I'm so glad you shared her letter and picture! :)

    I just saw a poster that says you'll be featured artist in Watsonville in February. Will you be there with your beautiful quilts? We're going to have to come and meet you in person! I'm filling my car with fans of your blog. woohoo!!

  3. Shelly...thanks so much for your kind words to Caylie and Andy!

    Suzanne, yes, I will be in Watsonville at the end of February at the Pajaro Valley Quilt Association's show...some of my quilts will be there and I'm giving lectures on Saturday Feb 27th at 2 p.m. as well.
    Looking forward to meeting you there!

  4. Aww, what a sweet & beautiful girl. So when is the wedding? Maybe you should get strted on the quilt!

  5. Oh gosh, isn't it romantic! And they are both so beautiful.
    I hope they'll share many, many moons.

  6. Hello Allie,

    What a lovely letter you recieved on the beautiful gift you created for Caylie and Andy was so thoughtful to think of such a lovely gift for Caylie. Hugs Judy

  7. Awwwww! That's why we do what we do. One of those letters lasts a lifetime!

  8. What a sweetheart! So nice to hear Caylie actually 'gets' the point of a homemade gift. Yippee!!

  9. Awwww....romance still fluorishes! What a lovely letter from Caylie, Andy has obviously made a wonderful choice - a girl who appreciates a beautiful handmade work of art. She's a keeper!!

  10. How lovely to receive this letter... certainly a keepsake in itself... If they are thinking of a wonderful to use your work on their invitation... very special story..

    Gerry Krueger

  11. What a beautiful couple they are, both so thoughtful and deserving of each other. I'm with Deb, may the wedding quilt begin.

  12. Allie this is a beautiful ending to your story. Maybe I shouldn't say ending as this is really only the beginning. They look so young and in love. I wish them much happiness.



  13. What a sweet note. It looks like you and Andy were both right on the mark when it comes to knowing what would touch Caylie's heart. And they sure are a cute couple.

  14. What a cute couple and a lovely testimony to the thoughtfulness behind handmade gift. You ARE a special auntie, Allie!

  15. Now THAT'S a great ending to a terrific story...And right in time for Valentine's day.

    Those two are gorgesous together and perhaps the magic worked with your needle and thread sewed something more together than just fabric.

    This is one of those treasured stories to last your lifetime. It's the ending we all wish for when we make someone a gift -- because we all know that the true gift is being able to write a post like this one. And it couldn't have happened to a nicer person.

  16. How sweet! She must be wonderful - she appreciates the magic you create with needle and fiber.

  17. What a wonderfully genuine letter, and she has great manners! Now, of course, I have to go back and see the quilt and posts!


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