
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Home from the East Coast

What a week!!!!!!!!!!
So much happened, I learned so much, made such good friends, saw so many beautiful and thought-provoking is going to take awhile to process it all.
I can say that my lecture and classes went fine...I am so grateful to my students for helping this newbie teacher find her footing. We all had a great time together.

Susan and I went to NYC for two days after classes were done to shop in the Garment District for stitching supplies, see "Wicked" on Broadway---it was truly delightful--and just BE in NYC. We shopped Thursday and then all day Friday we just walked. Started out on 4oth Street and made our way all the way south to Ground Zero and Battery Park, then up through the Financial District and to the Village. It was great!

Here are some glimpses....

This is a part of the treasure that came home with me. The rest still has to be unpacked!

We went to a Japanese book store called Kinokuniya. Their craft books are amazing...I came home with one on making millinery flowers. The text is in Japanese, but the pictures convey all I need to know. I found some special Japanese glue there that I have high hopes for, too.
(I am always looking for new, good glue...)

Our favorite stop was Tinsel Trading. We could have spent all day digging through their treasures, most of which are vintage. Susan and I HIGHLY recommend this place if you are shopping in NYC for embellishment goodies.

We were tired out after shopping so Susan had picked out a bar in the Garment District for us to visit for a glass of wine and supper, appropriately named...

...Some Stitchery.
Then we went and saw "Wicked", on Broadway. Just amazing!

One of the places I really wanted to see was Ground Zero. Susan and I were deeply heartened to see the rebuilding that is going on there.

It is a healing wound....

Then we went to pay our respects to The Lady....

Always a glorious sight....Susan will be swimming to her from Hoboken, New Jersey later this month.

We needed some refreshment as we made our way back uptown...

Pink and Green is the theme here..... ;-)

We ended up at The Strand bookstore in Greenwich Village, a real find. Only used books here....and Susan of the Keen Eye found some true treasures in the textile section...glorious, glorious stuff.

We took the express bus back to Baltimore Friday night, had one last morning together on her lovely porch sipping coffee and talking, and then home I flew.

Now it is time to catch up on your blogs, unpack, spend some time in the garden, and move on to the next adventure in stitching, whatever it may be....

A final thank you to Susan, her husband Jim and son Jack for hosting me with such graciousness...and to my fine EGA ladies who taught me so much....


  1. Oozing jealousy! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I am sure that trip will be the highlight of a lifetime!

  3. What a great trip...thanks for the NYC tips for future garment district adventures!

  4. So I think that your pic of the bookstore isn't showing as a picture because it needs a space after the closing bracket (the ">")

    Very cool, Allie. Glad to have you back in blogland though!

  5. Welcome home, Allie! It seems like spring arrived while you were gone. Sounds like you had a great trip. Thanks for sharing your photos!

  6. Welcome Back Allie! So glad you had such a wonderful trip.
    Jules x

  7. I follow Susan's blog and admire her talent so much. I have to admit that when she posted about your visit, I didn't know who you are. But she posted a pic of your flower quilt on her blog and I had to come see you. Your talent is amazing and I can only hope to learn something by following your blog.

  8. Welcome home! Did you walk up the statue of Liberty? An pics from her crown? Or is she not open yet?

    Looks like you had a great adventure.

  9. Welcome back home!! Sounds like you had a fabulous time.

  10. Glad you both had a great time - I was thinking of you two all week (with jealousy, it's true), but your report surpasses my imagination! I hope you'll tell us more about your class, too. Welcome back. Hugs, Cathy

  11. What an amazing trip! I am very jealous, since I've only had the chance to see NYC with a lot of sweaty brothers. And no way they'd be caught dead in those shops. :)

  12. Awesome! Thanks for sharing all the fun!

  13. Sounds like you had a fantastic time, Allie! Welcome home!

  14. Thank you for visiting us, Allie. It was great to meet you after sharing cq listservs and CQMagOnline adventures all these years. I hadn't realized this was your first teaching experience although I knew the particular class was new. Great job!! I enjoyed it and learned a bunch from your creativity. I'm glad you had a good time, too.

  15. What fun. NYC is one of my favorite places, but I've never properly toured the garment district. It sounds like you had the perfect guide. I'm glad your trip was such a success--and that the shopping was so spectacular.

  16. Welcome home! Don't you just love New York~ so vibrant. Namaste to you too.

  17. Wow Allison! What a great trip! I've never been to NYC, so your pictures were like taking a mini-trip myself! And the treasures you found there... Wonderful!

  18. What a fabulous trip you had! So glad you had such a great week with Susan!

  19. Sounds like a fabulous trip, Allie! Sounds like you two hit all the right places in the Big Apple.

  20. Hello Allie, I loved reading about your tour to NYC. What wonderful wonderful places you all visited. Your class sounded just lovely and all was thrilled with your teaching and their projects. Your teaching career has just begun. VBG Hugs Judy


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